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I'd managed to keep the topic light and away from my housemate for three weeks after our conversation about our past, but every time I looked at Happy I felt as though my world was crumbling down around me.

After my two shifts at the garage a week, I would go home and crawl onto the couch next to the person I loved most in the world, but after he'd fallen asleep, I would sit there and think about Happy. It was unfair on all parties to keep everybody in the dark, and I needed to speak my truth before it ate me alive.

Happy hadn't come outright and said it, but the lingering glances and touches that he gave me throughout the days when he came in to inform me of repaired vehicles, on smoke breaks and at lunch, let me know that he wanted to try again. I'd caught the sound of a motorcycle ride past the house at least twice a day and, although I was always too late to get to the window to see him, I knew that it was his way of checking up on me.

I just didn't know how he'd feel after I admitted that I'd been lying to him for the weeks that he'd been back in my life.

After I'd sent a text to confirm that everything was fine at home, I wandered into the clubhouse and caught sight of him at the bar. He was sitting alone, ignoring the Crow Eaters that were trying to get his attention, and I was unnaturally thankful for that since I hadn't gotten over my jealous tendencies when it came to him.

"Hap?" He looked up at me when I stopped next to him. "Is there any chance that we could talk?"

His surprise was evident since I'd been trying to keep my distance from him apart from polite conversation, but he got to his feet and followed me outside willingly.

When we stopped by the crowded picnic tables and I couldn't find a free spot, I looked up at him. "There's a park in town, could you follow me there?"

I knew that he wanted to tell me to get on the back of his bike, but he was treading on unchartered waters and he didn't know what my reaction would be. Instead of demanding for me to get on his leather, he nodded his head and followed my car closely into town.

The afternoon was still warm but the sun was beginning to set when he met me on the wooden chair that overlooked the fields and play areas, far enough away that we didn't look like creeps watching the few children that were still playing, but close enough that I could see their smiling faces.

He sat next to me in silence and offered me a cigarette which I took and thanked him with a smile.

"What did you want to talk about, Free Bird?"

The damage hadn't been done yet, and I could play make believe that I just wanted to spend some time in his company. I could eat the words before they came out of my mouth, but I realised that I didn't want to. I didn't want to hide it from him anymore. "I was pregnant when you left."

We Were Happy: A Happy Lowman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now