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The rays of the sun peeped into the tents and caressed the cheeks of princess Suthanu.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and searched the entire tent for someone.

"Whom are you searching for Thanu ??" Meera asked entering the room.

"Where are my bhrathas Meera ?? My day won't go good without seeing them first and embracing them, they are missing, are they still sleeping ?? Where are..." Suthanu stopped in middle, "wait my bhrathas are no more" she realised the truth, they were DEAD !!

Suthanu looked down at her hands in which she was clutching the five angvastras throughout the whole night, she bursted crying.

"Bh...Bhrathaaaaaaaaaa" Suthanu shouted, "where did you all go leaving me ??" She cried and sobbed hugging the 5 clothes.

She lied back on her bed and closed her eyes while sniffing remembering every morning past 13 years, no day started without the brothers bickering with each other and cuddling their sister, she missed all...

[Continuation of the flashback in the last chapter]

Suthanu got up and found herself surrounded by her brothers sleeping soundly kicking each other and snoring making her giggle.

Devi Kokila and Devi Kunti entered the room.

"Thanu" they called out together making Thanu squeel and run to them calling them out loud.

"Pitamahiiiii" Thanu exclaimed as she ran and hugged her grandmothers to which they reciprocated in an affectionate manner...

Later when the siblings were getting ready for their day...
"Where's my angvastra" Sutsom shouted as the brothers were busy searching for their things.

Shrutakarma unknowingly tossed a bowl of laddoos and bit his tounge regretfully as he very well knew the consequences

"Kirtiiiiiiiiiii" Sutsom screamed annoyed at his brother's behaviour as Shrutakarma gulped.

The other 3 brothers sat down on a couch, facepalming themselves, as they very well knew Sutsom will not spare Shrutakarma and their fight will someone drag the two younger brothers and atlast Prathivindhya will have to judge the problem...

Here the two brothers ran around the room making it a mess.

Shrutakarma ran towards the book shelves and Sutsom pushed the rack, now the books had fallen down horrifying Shrutsen.

"My beloved books" Shrutsen exclaimed and glared at Sutsom and ran after Sutsom who was now busy running from him and chasing the other...

Shrutsen reached Sutsom with one jump and the 2 reached Shrutakarma with another leap which caused the three brothers to push Shatanik's table where he had kept food for his horses.

An angry Shatanik now ran to his table and was busy shouting in frustration
"Oh my god, see what a mess you'll did, how will I feed my horses ?? They will have to starve !! Nooooo"

Prathivindhya who was way too much annoyed with his brothers sat with his hand on head.

"Jyestha Bhrathaaaa see him" the 4 young ones shouted in a chorus.

Prathi gulped as he heard his brothers call him for judgement...

"nooo not me, see the disadvantages of being the eldest among siblings" Prathi grumbled making his brothers roll their eyes.

UpapandavSehjata Suthanu !! ♥️✨ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now