a brother

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"Ok, now will you tell me?" Y/n asked impatiently, closing the door to the house behind her. Agatha sighed, "I'm trying to get to her. I want her to crack so we can see what's really going on here." "I thought you knew what was going on here, you told me about the chaos magic and Wanda being the Scarlet Witch." Y/n said. "Yes, we know that. But I'm talking about the beginning of all of this. What happened to her that made her do this? How did she do this?" Agatha said, sitting down on the couch and quickly flipping through a spell book.

Y/n grabbed a bowl of chips before heading back towards the couch to sit with Agatha. She pushed herself into her mother's arms and laid down on her, careful not to move her hands so she could continue her reading. Agatha pulled y/n closer and kissed her on the top of her head. "What are you looking for?" Y/n asked her. "Anything that would tell me how Wanda managed to do this." Agatha said, stealing a chip.

"Mom?" Y/n said suddenly. "Yes, my love?" Agatha replied, her eyes locked on the spell book she was reading. "Do you think that Wanda will stop this herself?" She asked in a concerned voice. "Maybe, why?" Agatha replied without taking her eyes off the book. "We'll have to fight, won't we?" Y/n asked.

Agatha looked down at her daughter, y/n was scared, she didn't think of that before, they would have to fight Wanda if she didn't end the illusions herself. "Maybe," Agatha said hesitantly, she felt y/n's body tense. She quickly put the book down and wrapped her arms around her daughter, pulling her closer and stroking her hair.

"That's only if she doesn't stop it herself though, there's still time for her to do that. If there is a fight, I'll keep you safe just like I always have. Alright?" Agatha said softly. Y/n cuddled closer to her mother, "I know you will, I love you." "I love you too." Agatha said, giving y/n another kiss on the head.

They took a small nap on the couch together before they were startled awake by loud knocking on the door. Agatha and y/n groaned. "Ok, ok! I'm coming!" Agatha said, getting up from the couch. Wanda was there with Tommy and Billy. "Hi, Auntie Agnes. We were wondering if y/n could come out and play with us?" Billy asked quietly. "Say it louder than that Billy, no one can hear you!" Tommy yelled at his brother. "I could hear him." Agatha said with a shrug. "So can y/n come out?" Tommy asked impatiently. He was very loud, nothing like Billy.

Agatha glanced over toward y/n who was pretending to be asleep on the couch and fake snoring. She held in a laugh, "She's taking a nap right now, she didn't get a lot of sleep last night so she's really tired, I could send her your way when she wakes up though!" "Oh ok, thank you." Billy said politely. Tommy groaned before turning around and running back to their house.

Agatha let out her laugh as she walked back towards the couch, "That wasn't very convincing you know." Y/n giggled, "Yeah, whatever. At least it worked!" "Oh come on, they aren't bad! They're really sweet!" Agatha said. "They're five." Y/n replied. "Fair enough." Agatha laughed, "You hungry?" "Yeah. What are you going to make?" Y/n asked. "I was gonna make hotdogs, you want one?" Agatha asked. "Sure!"


"Thank you for never giving me a brother." Y/n said through a laugh after watching Tommy get mad at Billy for taking his toy for the 8th time. "A brother." Agatha mumbled under her breath. "Hmm?" Y/n said, turning to face her mother. Agatha's eyes widened before blurting out, "Wanda had a brother! We could do something with that!"

Y/n stared at her mother with a confused look on her face, "What?" "Pietro! Pietro was the one with super speed! She was a twin! That could be a weakness!" Agatha yelled while she was running up the stairs to find another spell book. "Didn't Pietro.. die?" Y/n asked her mother after finding her in her room. "Yes." Agatha said, focusing on the book. "How could we do anything with that? If we mentioned it she would just be suspicious of us, we aren't supposed to know about anything outside of Westview remember?" Y/n asked her mother, getting louder at the end to keep her attention. "We could use a fake one." Agatha replied.

"A fake one? How would we do that?" Y/n questioned, she was very confused. "Use someone Wanda already has under her mind control and make her think it's her brother!" Agatha said, finally looking at y/n. Y/n stared at her mother for a while, trying to figure out if she was serious or not, "Wouldn't that hurt him? We can't mind control him into-" "We wouldn't be mind controlling him, Wanda would." Agatha interrupted,

"We give him details about Pietro, he says something about it to Wanda, Wanda thinks he could be Pietro, and then Wanda accidentally makes him Pietro because her magic is unstable and it creates whatever she thinks about! It's genius!" Y/n's eyes lit up, "We could use it to wake her up! To make her realize that she shouldn't be doing this!" "Exactly!" Agatha said back, she was very excited, they both were.

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