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•averys pov•

we walked into the laundry room, payt picked up ashe and put him on our bed, he came back down and payton said;
p| what should i do?
a| just pour this in here
i opened a sliding pocket thing.
p| what is this
a| it's tide
p| oh
as he was pouring it in he spilt it on the floor.
a| babyyy
p| i'm sorry
a| it's okay ill clean it
p| no i'll clean it i made the mess
a| it's okay
i bent down and i started wiping it away with a cloth.
p| i'm sorry okay
a| it's okay baby don't worry
p| you sure
a| yeah
p| thank you
a| no problem
i got up and kissed him.

(time skip,6pm)
it was getting dark now and payt whined;
p| can we cuddle nowwww
a| give me a minute
i said while cleaning up the living room.
a| done
p| yaaayyyaayaay
he got happy and picked me up, he carried me to our bed and he laid ontop of me.
p| am i squishing you?
a| no it's okay bubs
he kissed me all over my face and ashe barked, payton got up and i laid down properly.
a| come here darling
i picked up ashe.
p| yeah give all your attention to him now
a| what?
p| i've been wanting to cuddle you all day but as soon as we cuddle you give your attention to him.
a| baby i didn't, you got up so that's why we stopped cuddling, if he didn't bark i wouldn't have picked him up.
p| no you shouldn't have picked him up and i don't even know why i bought him.
a| payton
p| what
a| he's a dog he doesn't understand so don't blame him, don't blame me when it isn't my fault either.
ashe laid down on my chest and groaned, i rubbed his back and he was really warm, i got up and went downstairs
what the fuck.. is he okay.
i took the medicine upstairs and fed ashe.
a| are you feeling okay your never right, whenever we have a fight it always you who's in the wrong.
p| i'm never in the wrong
a| i'm sorry baby please forgive me babyyy, kiss on the cheek..
i mocked him
p| i'm never like that
a| if you say so
i sat on the bed
p| yeah if i say something it's always right
a| stop acting like your better than everyone els, atleast i didn't cheat..
i picked up my phone and i called josh, i messaged him to mute himself.
p| i don't care i'm always right even though i cheated it was the right fucking choice.
a| aw good for you
p| listen you bitch
he sat next to me and had his hand out to hit me
a| excuse me what did you just call me?
p| a bitch, i'm going to make you regret you met me.
payton slapped me
a| aw me too josh you better post that video tonight.
jo| i was just planning on doing just that and oh payton how would you make her wish she never met you because i guaranty you she'll ruin your life ohh if her dad finds out i'm just sorry that you messed with the wrong daughter.
a| thanks josh.
jo| no worries sis i have your back any day and payton do keep in mind that i've got this whole call recorded.
a| okay josh shut up bye.
i didn't end the call, he knew what i meant by bye so he muted himself again.
p| you fucking bitch i'll r@pe you
i screamed and slapped him
a| payton!
he smirked
a| josh please pick me up.
payton looked like he had seen a ghost.
jo| i'm on my way tell that psycho i'm doing it now.
a| he can hear you
p| i'm so sorry
jo| avery don't forgive him
a| i won't just get here asap i'm so scared
payton grabbed my phone and ended the call, he pushed me against the headboard.
a| please don't do this.
p| your a crazy bitch
a| i learned from you didn't i?
p| i'm so sorry
he put his head on my chest and i pushed it off, i got up with ashe and i ran out of the house, josh was pulling up, i got inside his car and he said;
jo| i'm giving you my appointment stay there for however long you like just give me a few minutes
he got out of the car and shut the door

•paytons pov•
i had my head in my hands, what am i going to do now i love avery.
jo| looks like the video got posted
he looked at his phone
p| look i didn't didn't mean to say all those things
jo| oh well, i did say that this was your last straw.. your going down buddy.
p| josh delete it.
he walked out of the room and walked downstairs, i ran after him
jo| whats she gonna do?
jo| you should have thought about that before you did it and i'll be posting the audio of the call too.
he walked out and went into his car.

•averys pov•
josh got back into the car.
jo| you okay?
a| mhm, josh
jo| yeah
a| if i'm staying at that apartment then should i go pack my things
jo| yeah i'll go with you and i'll hold ashe.
a| okay
i handed ashe over to him
a| please be careful, he has a fever.
jo| i will
we got out of the car and walked inside. payton was crying on the stairs but i ignored it, i walked upstairs and i started filling my suitcases, josh stood at the door so payton couldn't get in, i didn't take any of paytons hoddies because i didn't want to, i grabbed my essentials and ashes things, i got up and went downstairs, i grabbed all my candles and stuffed them in my suitcase aswell.
jo| ready to go?
a| mhm
p| avy
jo| come on sis
we walked out of the house and i said;
a| thanks j
jo| no prob

(time skip)
me and josh put everything in the apartment and he handed me the keys
a| josh you know the rent on this apartment i'll just venmo you some money for it
jo| shut up i'm not letting you do that
a| why?
jo| because it's no bigggy
he smiled
a| fine atleast half though?
jo| no nothing not even two dollars
a| okay one dollar
jo| no
he laughed
a| fine but i swear if you need me i'm a call away okay
jo| thanks sis
he hugged me
a| thanks for being a great bro
jo| don't worry about it sis
he ruffled my hair
jo| yh
a| my location is on
josh grabbed my phone and turned it off
jo| i had to do it because i'm faster
a| okay then
i laughed
jo| okay i'm off
a| okay bye byeeee
jo| if you need anything like the furniture moving around call the boys and i
a| okay
jo| aight bye now
a| byeee

(time skip)
i was sat on the couch and i decided to tweet;
"alexa play 'pray' by jxdn"
       @charli| WHAT HAPPENED
               @avery| you caused this.
         @avani| FT ME RN
                @avery| after my bathroom run let's hope i
                                 come back alive <3
         @jxdn| AVERY SIS CALL ME NOW
                  @avery| hold up
           @griffin| i'm so sorry you had to go through
                     @avery| same griff same
            @riley| ik we don't know each other as much
but i'm here for you bubs


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