Fort Briggs

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Fort Briggs is a Amestrian Military instillation that lies on the border between the countries of Amestris and Drachma. Stretching across a narrow valley between the two countries, the Fort protects Amestris where the mountains cannot. Briggs is home to Amestris' first military garrison against Drachma, led by Major General Armstrong. The phrase "Fort Briggs" is often associated with strength and endurance by the citizens of Amestris, enough to make some soldiers tremble at the thought. The military base itself is a massive wall comprised of research labs, a prison, gunnery positions, soldiers' quarters, supply tunnels and an immense main tunnel which runs the length of the installation. The nearest other settlement relatively close to the fortress, North City, also serves as a supply center and medical hub for the Briggs troops. Any who wish to pass between the two nations must first go through this fort.

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