Bonus Chapter - II (Final)

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Chuuya arrives at the mall in time. Parking his bike in the parking lot he hurries inside, getting inside the elevator within a flash. Just when he is about to press the close button, a guy comes rushing towards the elevator. Chuuya puts on a decent smile, holding the elevator for him. However, Chuuya's smile fades seeing the member of an Armed detective Agency standing in front, taking him by surprise. He remembers he has to act a tad bit hostile so he glares at the guy, trying to make the situation seem less suspicious. The guy, Atsushi, if Chuuya remembers the name correctly, seems to be scared of him but he gets inside the elevator nonetheless. Awkward would be the word to describe how Chuuya is currently feeling. Not that Atsushi has any idea about their secret date, but Chuuya thinks it's better to inform Dazai that he is here just in case. Chuuya checks his phone to text Dazai, but there is no network inside the elevator. Just as he thinks he can handle this; the elevator stops functioning trapping them both inside. Chuuya internally panics thinking about having to miss the movie, but stays calm and collected in front of the younger. However, Atsushi had come to the conclusion that Chuuya is behind the elevator malfunction somehow, much to his dismay. But as soon as Chuuya clears that suspicion, the brat instantly catches on to the fact that Chuuya has some business at the Theatre. To his relief, Atsushi doesn't press much on it. After a short power cut off, the elevator finally starts functioning. And Chuuya feels relieved that he won't be missing the movie.

Dazai waits eagerly at the door of the elevator waiting for Chuuya to step out. He tried calling Chuuya when he heard about the elevator malfunction but his calls wouldn't connect. He also learned that the movie had been cancel, the news upsetting him a bit. But he spared no time in searching for the movie screenings nearby, thoroughly determined to not let anything ruin this date. He finally found a perfect movie that Chuuya would definitely like. A sense of relief flooded over him when he saw the elevator moving again. The elevator stops and Dazai is almost ready to pull his Chibi into a bone-crushing hug, almost. But the elevator door slides open, and Chuuya isn't alone. Cause much to Dazai's horror, there stands Atsushi beside Chuuya, and Dazai's brain pause for a mere second before getting the hold of the situation within a flash. He looks at Chuuya, only to find him looking back. After exchanging a quick communication through their eyes, they instantly fall back into their roles, glaring daggers at each other. Being a part of the Mafia, acting comes naturally to them. But what makes it seem real is their dynamic and having gone through the hate-love phase makes their acting all more convincing for the spectators.

Dazai informs the late arrivals about the movie being canceled. Chuuya's mood instantly drops the moment he hears the news. He was so looking forward to this movie date. Having Atsushi around in the middle of their date was one trivial issue but the movie getting canceled? Chuuya isn't very happy about it. The angry and devastated look on Chuuya's face melts Dazai's heart.

"Yes, Chuuya san! How about we watch the movie next time? All three of us together?" Atsushi's cheerful voice breaks them out of their trance.

''Absolutely not!" They both shout in synchronization, trying hard to hide the embarrassment. The scene would have looked funny, similar to two grown-up men shouting at a high-schooler only if Atsushi had started crying. Dazai asks Chuuya to come along with him, but finding it hard to hide the embarrassment, Chuuya does the only thing he can think of; he tries to run away. Dazai is quick, as in one swift moment he catches Chuuya by his wrist, preventing him from running away. After telling Atsushi to keep silent about the whole ordeal Dazai drags Chuuya along with him. Making their way past the people, Dazai drags Chuuya out of the mall as they continue to walk down the road in silence until Dazai pulls Chuuya into a nearby side alley. Dazai pins him to the wall, caging him between his arms. Chuuya scowls at his idiotic partner but Dazai remains unaffected as he leans in close to Chuuya's ear,

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