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tw. loads of love and emotion.

"you have got to be kidding me" dream walked towards the bench rolling his eyes.

"ha I beat you this time" george smirked.

"ughhh come here" dream sighed and stretched out his arms.

george smiled softly and stood up wrapping his arms around dream.

dream rested his head on george's as he rocked them back and forth under the bright shining of the street lamp.

"george" dream whispered softly. his voice barley audible.


"listen I need to talk to you" dream murmured.

george's soul dropped.


dream stayed silent as he sat them down on the bench.

"your scaring me" george nervously chuckled.

"no no don't be scared it's good" dream smiled.

"okay" george breathed still nervous from the sudden mood change.

"listen george I need you to listen"

"i'm listening"

"okay" dream sighed.

george stared into dreams eyes patiently waiting for him to speak.

"listen my-my heart is so filled with you I can hardly call it my own anymore"

george felt his eyes water as those words replayed in his mind.

"and I love you. like a lot. like more then you ever will realize and I-I don't know if you feel the same b-but george listen to me. I love you and I would do absolutely anything for you. if you call me at 5 am too tired to even speak I would listen to your silence until you fall asleep. I would kill for you. george. I love you and just I've never felt like this for anyone." dream gasped for air.

"god damn breathe" george shook his head with tears streaming down his face.

then george stood up and grabbed dreams hands dragging him up as well. he pulled him in and cupped his hands around dreams jaw.

"george I need you" dream whisperd leaning in closer.

george smirked and pulled dream till their lips met. both of their eyes fluttered shut, dream pulled george closer and closer every second. love flowed through the passion laced with the action. the aggressive force that came with love was overwhelmingly strong. unbreakable.

george grabbed dreams neck and pulled away leaving them still close.

"and I need you more" george smirked.

"is that a yes" dream whispered.

"duh" george rolled his eyes and dream pulled him back in kissing him again.

the street lamp began to flicker and a melody began to play.

the same melody from the very beginning.

"it's the fucking song" george yelled aggressively.

"freaky sign shit yea?" dream smirked.

"your an idiot" george rolled his eyes.

"shshshshhh" dream giggled and pulled george into his arms.

dream closed his eyes and hummed the lyrics leaving him and george embracing their love under the street lamp. exposed within the lyrics. under the moonlight.

because now it was official.


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