𝟑| 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬

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LADY TREMAINE STOOD in the family room of Elliot's house, glancing around the place before turning around, looking back at Elliot's father

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LADY TREMAINE STOOD in the family room of Elliot's house, glancing around the place before turning around, looking back at Elliot's father.

"You did not say your son was so handsome." She tells him. "Obviously came from you."

Elliot's father chuckled. "Well, most say he looks exactly like his..." He stopped halfway.

Lady Tremaine looked back at him, her face hardening slightly. "His mother." She put a smile on her face. "Just so." She walked into another room, looking around her new home as Drizella, Anastasia, Elliot, and Y/n all walked in.

"How long has your family lived here?" Drizella asked.

"Over 200 years." Elliot's father responded, glancing back at the girl.

"And in all that time, they never thought to decorate?" Anastasia held a look of disgust on her face, which made Y/n roll her eyes at the girl, Elliot noticing.

"Anastasia, hush." Lady Tremaine firmly told her daughter. "They'll think you are in earnest."


"Elliot's stepmother, high-spirited lady that she was, set out to restore life and laughter to the house."

Lady Tremaine sat in the dining room with many men and other people around, all playing a card game, drinking alcohol, laughter going all around. Y/n walked around, a tray in hand as she served the drinks, under Lady Tremaine orders.

Elliot stood in the room, back leaning against the wall as he watched the girl. Ever since this morning, he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off her. She felt them on her, which made her flush every time they made eye contact. As she walked out of the room, Elliot followed, wanting to get to know the girl more, but he was met with his mice friends.

"Well, look who's having a party of their own." He smiled at them. "Jacqueline, Teddy, Matilda, greedy Gus-Gus." Elliot chuckled as he watched Gus-Gus eat a piece of cheese. Catching all their attention, was a cat hissing at the mice. They looked over, seeing Lucifer on the steps, eyes on the mice.

In fear, Gus-Gus dropped his cheese, eyes going wide.

"Just what..." A voice spoke, picking up the cat. Elliot and the mice looked over, seeing Y/n stand there, Lucifer now in her arms. "Yes, what do you think you're up to, Lucifer? Jacqueline is Elliot's guest, and the eating of guests is not allowed."

Just hearing his name leave her mouth made his heart flutter.

"Go on, now. Plenty of cat food to keep you happy." Y/n placed Lucifer on the steps, the cat running up them. She turned to Jacqueline. "We ladies must help one another." She winked at her. Jacqueline held a little grateful smile on her face as she stared at the beautiful girl.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒, 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾! 𝖼𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺Where stories live. Discover now