Log 3: The Plumbers

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Daman was in the back of the truck, while Rook was driving and Ben was sitting in the front seat.

"So Daman. You mentioned an alien made of stars in a dream? And this was one of Ben's transformations?" Rook asked. Daman simply nodded while Ben thought on something.

"You mean Alien X?" Ben asked.

"What is...Alien X? Is it something akin to what I saw?" Daman asked.

"It is allegedly the Omnitrix's Celestialsapien DNA Sequence. I have yet to see any evidence to believe that Alien X exists though. Ben has yet to transform into this Alien X form," Rook replied.

"Celestialsapien...? The Omnitrix has...Celestialsapien inside of it?" Daman asked in a state of mortified terror.

"Don't worry. I don't pull out Alien X often. Even if I did, it wouldn't be much help unless I can get Alien X to an agreement," Ben said casually.

"So you say, Ben. So you say," Rook said with a dismissive tone.

"So...who do you work for? I notice that Mr. Rook's blaster has the same hourglass symbol. Unless the thing is able to transform Rook's arm into other aliens, it is indicative of an organization of some sort," Daman requested.

"We work for the Plumbers. An intergalactic peacekeeping force in the universe. We handle intergalactic criminals," Rook explained. Daman notably paled a bit, because he was essentially caught by the space police. Being in possession of a level 20 DNA Altering device, he thought himself to be potentially in danger of punishment via imprisonment in the Null Void.

"Where are we going...?" Daman asked.

"Plumber HQ. Blukic and Driba are going to want to look into your Nanotrix. They'd want to figure out how you reverse engineered this thing," Ben replied, showing Daman the Omnitrix on his wrist.

"I will not be punished for creating this?" Daman asked again.

"That depends. Have you used your Nanotrix for malevolent intent? Such as harming others? Stealing? Using your alien transformations to attempt a smear against Ben's reputation?" Rook asked.

"No sir. I barely finished the creation of the....the Nanotrix about a day ago. My antics against Mr. Tennyson was my first proper field test of my device," Daman replied calmly.

"Then you're in the clear. You're just a tech anomaly," Ben said with a smile. Daman couldn't help but give a small smile at Ben's kindness. The truck reached the Max's Plumbing building and drove into the back alley, which opened into a downward tunnel that led into a sprawling underground facility. It was akin to a space station, filled with containment cells on lower levels. Computer terminals on upper levels, all while people in the same spacesuit patrolled the area and maintained the peace of the facility. This...this was Plumber HQ.

"Ben! Rook! We heard what happened. Was it Albedo again?" An older man asked, wearing a red floral Hawaiian shirt and beige pants.

"As a matter of fact, it was not Albedo. It was this child, Magister Tennyson," Rook replied as Daman slowly stepped out of the truck. He was making sure his Nanotrix's controller was hidden from sight, out of pure shyness from the situation.

"H...hello there," Daman greeted.

"Well hi. I'm Magister Maxwell Tennyson," Maxwell introduced to Daman.

"I am Daman Manotic...and I-" Daman could not finish his statement as he felt the swift loss of his controller as Ben walked up to Maxwell with it in hand.

"He recreated the Omnitrix. He used the one I blew up on Vilgax as the basis of it and reverse engineered it into a lot of tiny robots. We're calling it the Nanotrix because their all in his bloodstream," Ben explained, handing the controller to Maxwell.

"Well how does he control it if their all in his bloodstream?" Maxwell asked. Daman shyly held his hand out, requesting his controller back.

"I will demonstrate if you wish. I will allow someone to tell me what to transform into," Daman requested as he was handed back his controller.

"Brainstorm. Try turning into Brainstorm," Ben immediately asked. Daman was confused as to what Ben meant.

"Ben, he transformed by stating the species of your aliens. He would not understand your colloquial names for them. Perhaps you could show him what you want him to turn into?" Rook suggested. Ben activated his Omnitrix and tried to turn into Brainstorm...only to transform into Humongousaur instead.

"Humongousaur?! Oh now you give me him?!" Ben ranted to hos Omnitrix.

"A Vaxasaurian? I can do that. Genetic Restructure. Activate DNA Sequence for Vaxasaurian," Daman spoke into his device. The device beeped in acknowledgement.

"Vaxasaurian DNA Sequence loaded. Priming Transformation Protocol," the device replied as the display changed to the green hourglass of the Omnitrix. Daman pushed in the button on top and felt his body shift. His skin began calcifying into thickened skin with some armored plating. Muscle began artificially forming, and a tail grew. He grew 3 extra feet in height and had to hunch over a bit due to the sudden weight of his body.

"Impressive. Rook, you said he could change from form to form?" Maxwell asked Rook.

"Affirmative. Ben equated it to 'master control' if I recall," Rook replied.

"Ok. Let's try another guy," Ben stated as he hit the symbol on his chest and transformed into his Arctiguana transformation.

"A Polar Manzardill. I believe that was catalogued in the data I recovered. Genetic Restructure. Activate DNA Sequence for Polar Manzardill," Daman instructed to his device.

"Polar Manzardill DNA Sequence loaded. Transformation Primed," The Nanotrix replied, extending into the cylindrical button. Daman pressed it in and felt his form shrink and collapse from bipedal to quadrapedal in nature. His body went cold, as his skin went to a chilling blue. His body adapted to extreme cold.

"Amazing. His body is able to sustain multiple transformations," Maxwell stated.

"Yeah. He swapped between XLR8 to Diamondhead then from Diamondhead to Heatblast! All in the span of a minute!" Ben said as his Omnitrix timed out and turned him back.

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