𝙿𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚢 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎

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{𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 : 𝟷𝟷/𝟸𝟸/𝟸𝟷} ✔︎

Trying not to startle the 5-year-old, Anna's social worker, Miss Jennie, whispered quietly, "Anna...wake up, we are landing.". Ann stirs, tightening her grip on her stuffed turtle.  Anna is a 5-year-old little girl who was only an orphan about 24 hours ago.

Anna's mother died in a car accident while she was in it. She was badly injured and was hospitalized for a week. Her mother, however, did not survive. A nurse told her that the extent of her injury was a fractured arm and a slight concussion, along with some minor cuts and bruises that would heal with ointment over time.

The police and social services have been questioning her a lot over the past few days, so she is quiet and exhausted. As she underwent surgery on her own, the doctors injected her with medicine, and she was given endless amounts of morphine.

They never asked her if she was okay, and when she asked for her mother, they always looked away.

"Mrs. Jennie," Anna's small voice said quietly, "Where are we going?" Mrs. Jennie looked down at the little 5 year old, who was so thin due to not getting enough nutrients at the hospital and only living off her IVs for so long.

But Jennie smiles at Anna with a small smile, almost sad to say the least."We're going to your brother's house, remember how I told you they lived in Florida?" Anna's honey-colored eyes widen, but she doesn't say anything.

"Will they be able to take me to see the turtles at the beach?" Jennie laughs at the girl's sudden enthusiasm, "Yes sweetheart, they probably will, and maybe they can take you to a really big aquarium and you can hang out with all the turtles.

" Wow!" she beams, "Really! Mommy is gonna be so excited, she can come with right? She loves turtles too! Almost as much I as do." she turns her head to the window, she watches in awe as the view of the sun slowly sets in the horizon. "Maybe if we ask nicely, the turtles will let me and mama swim with them." Jennie frowns, social services had informed her that her brothers would be the ones to inform Anna about her mother's death.

The thought of this adorable, sweet, and innocent girl having to face the understanding of death at such a young age is devastating. It hasn't been easy for her for the past couple of weeks, poor little girl only wants her mom to hold her and tell her it's okay, and how brave she was.

Jennie's eyes glaze with tears, yet she refuses to let them fall; in her line of work, she shouldn't get too attached. She must remain strong for Anna and hope that her brothers provide her with the best life possible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Miami International Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you."

When Anna tries to click her seatbelt shut, she seems unable to figure out where the belt connects. She stares at it confused and attempts it a couple of more tries, Mrs. Jennie thought it was so cute how to determine she was, "Anna look,"

Jennie unclips her seatbelt and demonstrates how to click it back in. Anna imitates her actions and once she hears the click, indicating that it was safely secured.

An enormous smile spreads across Anna's face as she glances at Jennie. Jennie smiles and gently brushes Anna's hair away from her face in a motherly manner. Jennie's eyes travel down to the hot pink cast that covered Anna's right arm, the arm she had broken in the accident.

It was a bad break but once the surgery was over, they had to put her in a cast to make sure she doesn't injure it any further. The girl looks beat up, she has a broken arm, a few cuts on her face, arms, and legs. If you didn't know better, you'd think she was abused. Yet, the girl is always smiling, she has such a pure presence about her.


After the plane landed safely, Jennie and Annabella waited for the other passengers to exit before making their way out.

It was important to Jennie that no one bumps into Anna on the way out so that more damage wouldn't be done. As a result, she waited until everyone in front of her left first.

From the overhead bin, Jennie grabs Anna's suitcase and backpack. She carries Ana's cast-free hand in one hand, and the suitcase in the other, as she slings Finding Nemo back over her shoulders.

Jennie holds Anna's hand tightly, afraid that if she lets go she'll get lost. Anna holds her stuff turtle close to her chest with the cast arm secured. She is still oblivious to why everything is happening, but all she knows is that she is meeting her brothers that she did not know she had. Her oldest brother called once.

His name was Anthony and they talked for like 2 hours. Social services suggested that she get to know her guardian/eldest brother.

They discussed school, her interests, and other random things she kept rambling on about. She learned that she has 6 brothers including him, Anthony being the oldest at twenty-five, Joshua, who was deemed the second oldest at twenty-one, Noah and Alexander who both were eighteen, and both Tyler and Oliver were sixteen.

Anna was really excited to meet her siblings.

She didn't understand why her mother didn't tell her about them, but she trusts her mother and knows that she does things for a reason.

As Anna and Jennie exit the terminal, they board the shuttle to take them to the main part of the airport to meet Anna's brothers. Anna was quiet the whole time, Jennie was a bit worried for the usually energetic girl. She was so lost in her head she almost tripped over her shoes. Jennie assumed it was just her nerves, "Annabella," Anna turns her attention to her, "It's going to be okay, your brothers are gonna love you. Don't be nervous."

Even though Anna is a very bubbly and confident girl, she tends to get very shy. It took Jennie days to get Anna to talk comfortably around her. Anna cast her head down and nods silently, "It's not I'm nervous Miss Jennie," She tightens her grip on her toy, "It's just, my skin has a lot of ugly marks on it and my face is all bruised and I have a big uncomfortable cast on, what if they don't like the way I look?"

This broke Jennie's heart, how could she think something like that? Annabella was a beautiful little girl, she had long dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and her skin was cream-colored slightly tanned. She was a bit tiny for her age but it just made her look just as cute.

Jennie sighs and stops in her tracks, she walks in front of Anna and crouches down to her height. "Anna, your absolutely beautiful, and those scars," she grabs her face, wiping a tear that fell from her eyes, "They don't define you, it shows how strong you are." Jennie kisses her forehead, "You are so brave, and your brothers know that. They will love you, I promise."


Jennie smiles, "Pinky."


Thank you for reading chapter one!

I will try to update this frequently.

Leave some feedback, love you babes❤️

𝙰𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝟼 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜Where stories live. Discover now