𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚜

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"We'll pick you up at 9, okay?"


"If someone gives you trouble, you tell an adult, okay?"


"And don't leave this area-"


Anthony looks down at his beautiful baby sister.

"I'll be fine; it's not like your leaving me with a bunch of strangers." She rolls her eyes.

But that's exactly what I'm doing. He almost says out loud but bit it back. He sighs, then leans down to kiss her forehead.

"Be good, alright?" He smiles at her.

She smiles back and gives him a big kiss on his cheek. "I promise."

After Anna finished washing her hands, Mrs. Megan told her to find something to do or play with.

Anna looked around the room, noticing groups of 4 and 5 already built. She glances around to see a girl her age playing by herself next to the building blocks on the other side of the room.

Anna, being the little confident kid she is, strides over sitting in front of her. The little girl jumps a bit, not noticing her new company right away. Once the two make eye contact, Anna smiles, picking up the block placing it on the house she was building.

"I like your house," Anna says, her smile never leaving her face.

The little girl smiles and mumbles a small thank you.

"I'm Anna, and you are?" She sticks her hand out like she's seen her brothers do when they talk to the expensive-looking older people with mean faces. The little girl stares at the hand for a moment before glancing back up at Anna.

"I'm Jolene." She says in a slightly more confident voice. Anna's eyes brighten up, and she starts rambling about literally anything and everything to the girl. She was so excited that Jolene actually talked to her because she seemed so shy.

Jolene was a bit overwhelmed by Anna's sudden burst of energy. It must have been a sight to see from the distance.

"HEY!" An angry shout came from behind them. Both girls turned their heads as they see two little girls approaching them. One seemed a bit irritated, and the other one trying to calm the other down.

"Leave Jojo alone! She doesn't like to talk to people!" The irritated girl shouted at Anna.

Anna narrows her eyes as she looks the girl up in down.

"Do you have a problem-"

"I really like your dress!" Anna says, completely oblivious. The three girls look at Anna like she's grown 2 heads.

"I'm Karol," the blond little girl spoke up, smiling. Anna's smile never left her face, " Hi Karol, and my name is Anna."

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

Anna looks at the girl that was yelling earlier, then glances back at Jolene. She frowns, "Jolene; I'm sorry if I scared you. You just looked lonely, and I thought if I came over to give you some company, you wouldn't look so lonely." Anna says honestly.

Jolene smiles at Anna, "It's okay. It's just that no ones really talked to me except Karol and Dani. I'm happy that you came to talk with me."

"You can't just give the enemy my name!"

"What! I'm not an enemy! I'm a knight, I save people from the bad guys!"

Dani looks at Anna, then looks away.


Awkward silence is brought between them.

Until Karol burst out laughing. The other three look at her with confusion plastered on their faces.

"Dani's embarrassed because she's always the knight when we play princesses."

Anna's eyes widen, "REALLY?!" She shouts, causing all of them to flinch at the sudden volume change.

"Dani! Does that mean you'll allow me to assist you in protecting the Princesses?!" Anna says excitedly as she stands up.

"If Anna joins, we could have four in our group so that it will be even," Jolene said as she places another block on her house.

"We could be the four musketeers!" Karol says while jumping up and down.

Dani groans, "it's the three musketeers Karol."

"Well...Can I make it the four musketeers?" Anna says in a softer voice, hoping to be a part of this group as well. The girls all look at Dani for the final word.

And after a few seconds of silence, She mutters a "Fine."

As soon as those words leave her mouth, Dani is tackled into a hug, making Anna and Dani fall onto the carpet.

Karol and Jolene both high fives each other in victory as they watch in amusement seeing Dani being cuddled by Anna.

Knowing that Dani hates being hugged.



HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

Sorry for the late update; school just started and just.....ew.


Sooo, thank you, Yellotoes  Baddielations  rllyhotgemini
That I had no permission to add you in, but I did anyway because I know you guys love me🥰

Give them a follow and support their stories because they are just *chefs kiss*

Q: Least favorite subject in school?

A: Math🤧

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