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After me and vallyk had sex we got ready for the movies his legs we're shakey but I still wanted to violate him because he gets me horny.

I got into the car with vallyk and we drove to the movies. "I-is that alejandro" vallyk said now sweating "yeah him and mattia date now, BUT don't worry or go off on him, he liked you even tho this still don't justified what he did you stank stank" I said.

The ending part made vallyk blush, "he's been cutting himself because he regret what he did and his mental health is just terrible right now" I said knowing how nice and caring vallyk is knowing he's gonna be merciful. "that's sad I want him to know I'm over it and it's ok now ion want him to die even tho that's just adds on to my trauma, but I don't care right now" he said happily getting out the car.

I walked up to the boys mattia and kobe running to me hugging me tight. "FINALLY BRUH, I MISSED YOU SON" kobe said laughing, I looked over to see vallyk and alejandro talking.


I still care for him and I didn't know he liked me, but he could of at least made me suck his dick and not his friend.

"Hey val I'm so sorry like I'm a Terrible for that, I been thinking about kil- he was cutted off by me kissing me on the cheek. "Listen don't kill yourself derek told me everything, I love you ok I don't about what happen, I get it you liked me but you should of at least had more self control, but don't worry about it I won't hold it against, plus it's not like you or your friend took my virginity so I'm good" I said seeing him cry.

I hugged him which made him cry harder and sob, I felt his pain I know he didn't wanna be label as a rapist or kidnapper or something.

"There there it's ok, let's just watch this movie ok?" I said and he nodded I kiss his forehead and we all went inside.

Angel went to get some snacks derek and mattia took our stuff while we do whatever before the movie starts to claim the seats. I went to the bathroom and did some tiktoks because why not.

After I was done I posted it and put the caption "at the movies" then left the bathroom.

Derek pov

Me and mattia went to go claim the seats that we wanted which was in the back. We placed the other boys stuff so people know the seats we're already being taken.

"Umm hello who's sitting there" two boys said "our friends" mattia said, "while they are here sooo..." One of the boys said knocking there stuff down getting ready to sit down.

"Hey man" I said pushing him "you got a problem nigga" the boy replied. "Nigga what's your problem YOUR NOT SITTING HERE BITCH!" I said yelling the last part.

"You called me a b-" the said then punched me in the face. I ate that shit and swung back then body slam him. I was on top of him punching him. "YOO DEREK CHILL STOP"  mattia yelled knowing I was finna kill this nigga. His friend then pushes me causing mattia and his friend fight.

Vallyk pov

I got out the bathroom and went to the counter where angel was and now Mauricio, larray, Brady, mike, kobe, dajuane, ballo and alejandro helping angel with the snacks.

We all heard mattia voice saying "Yoo derek chill stop" and the other people in there cheering. We immediately run in there leaving the snacks at the counter seeing security holding back two boys and Derek and mattia and everyone had there phones out.

Mattia pov

After security broke the fight up I saw the other boys run in, I looked at vallyk face and he was staring at the boys who fought us with a blank expression and I know he's piss right now.

"Yoo derek vallyk about to go crazy I think bruh" I said warning derek who was still tryna get at them, once I said vallyk he turn his attention to me and then saw the boys and looked at vallyk.

Vallyk started to run up to the boys "YOO VALLYK STOP" derek yelled getting the other boys attention and vallyk was still tryna get at the boys who fought us, "YA GO GET HIM" I yelled making the people point the theirs phones at vallyk and cheer on again. Angel and alejandro ran over and grab vallyk before he could even swing.

Vallyk then started to fight alejandro and angel and then they held him down. "GET OFF OF ME" vallyk yelled and it sound like he was crying out of anger. "Yo derek go over there before he lose his mind ever more, he's not gonna stop until he knows your ok and your face is red" I said to him.

Derek pov

Mattia told me to go calm val down and my face is red, I mean yeah I got punched in the face but the nigga is leaking so I don't care. "Yo bro get off of me" I told security and he obey but followed me to make sure I wasn't tryna fight again.

I made it over there "ya move for a second" I told them because it's just making him more mad that he can't see me and he's being held down.

After they move vallyk immediately gets up from between the chair sections and try to climb over to get to the boys but they we're being escorted out but they was still tryna get back at me and mattia so it wasn't easy for security.

I grabbed vallyk "val I'm ok relax for me" I said to him looking at him in his eyes. He started to cry and I hugged him, I tap his legs so he could jump and wrap them around my waist.

"There there I know" believe it or not vallyk is the only one who calms me down if I'm mad and he needs something I'ma have to calm down because I love him more then anything. Even though we have our problems but still he's mines we're 4LIFERRRSS.

"Derek can we just watch this movie please" he said snuffing "I don't know we gotta see if we could stay here" I said. He pulls his head from my shoulder and kisses me and immediately kiss back.

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