Chapter Four

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She was working on her rewrite the next day when there was a knock at the door. She looked up from her work and saw Kyle make his way over to her, stopping halfway. The blonde got up from her desk and met him in the middle of the room, as he haphazardly presented her a bouquet of flowers.

"Sorry for not calling," Kyle began

"That's okay," Faye smiled. Turning her attention to the flowers she asked, "What are these for?"

"Read the note," her boyfriend prompted.

Taking a seat on the nearby couch, she opened the card that was placed with the flowers. Her eyes glossed over the words, a confused expression etching her face.

"A... a conflict management class?" she asked, almost as if to confirm what she thought she read was true.

Kyle smiled and nodded, not saying anything.

"I just..." the blonde began "I don't have any conflict in my life, why do I need this?"

"I know you want to make this relationship work, like I do, and you'll do anything for that to happen, I just think this will help improve it."

Sighing in defeat, she nodded "you're right, I do, I guess it won't be that bad."

Pleased with himself, he got up from the couch and smiled, "I have to head back to work, but I'll see you later?"

"Sure," Faye nodded.


The night of the first conflict management class arrived quickly, and despite Faye's reluctance, she decided to attend. After all, if Kyle was prepared to go, the least she could do was give it a try, even though she was adamant she had no conflict in her life.

Opening the front door to the building that held the classes, Faye let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and headed over to the information board. Her eyes scanned the schedule, landing on 20:30 - 21:30: Conflict Management, Room 7. Checking the floor plan, she concluded that room seven was upstairs, and made her way to the large staircase that would take her to the room. The top floor presented her with a narrow hallway that held a few rooms, room seven being directly on her right. She cautiously entered the room, surveying her surroundings. It was a small room, with a few chairs positioned in a circle and not much else, but she didn't mind. A few people were already there, chatting amongst themselves, when the woman who, Faye presumed, ran the class, noticed her.

Excusing herself from the young woman she was talking to, she made her way over to Faye and smiled,

"I'm Megan, I'll be taking this class. What's your name?"

"Uh Kyle Johnson,"

Met with a confused expression, Faye elaborated, "My name is Faye, but Kyle signed us up for the class"

Recognising her, Megan piped up, "Aren't you that author? Who wrote "The Senator's Daughter"?"

"Yes, that was me," Faye responded, smiling a little

"Don't worry, we'll keep this on the down-low. I'm sure you get bothered by fans all the time"

"Oh no, it's fine" the blonde replied dismissively

Megan moved her attention to her list, "Ah Faye Tozer, yes I have you down but not Kyle Johnson."

Panicking slightly, Faye responded, "Oh he should be here soon"

"If he's not on the list, he's not in the class"

"Really, he's never late, he should be here soon." Upon hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, she quickly added, "that's probably him now."

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