Chapter 8

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At the Baxter building

Susan was at the laying on the couch passed out

Peter:Maybe this was a bad idea,we should go.

Johnny:No no no no its fine

Peter:Dude your sister just passed out when she saw my daughter

Looking to see his daughter playing with franklin and valeria

Peter:At least she is having fun,Where is reed?

The thing:He ate and went to his lab

Peter:Of course

The thing:so you been busy raising a kid

Peter:Yup Allison the sun shine of my life

Johnny:So who's the lucky gal

Peter:Went to go find her past

Johnny:How long?

Peter:*Sigh*....4 years

The 2 heroes look at peter

Thing:How is she

Susan slowly wakes up

Peter kneels next to her
Susan:You have a daughter ,who's the mother?

Peter:That doesn't matter


Peter:Because i haven't seen her in 4 years


Peter:Calm down you gonna scare the kids


Peter scared"uhh guys little help

Johnny and the thing ran away

Peter:oh you bastards

Susan grab peters shirt

Susan:Why didn't you tell us

Peter:I was alone after superior then Allison mom came to me and told me to take care of her,Allison made my life better after everyone throw me out the bus

Susan pulled peter and hug him tightly

Susan:im so sorry *she said with tears in her eyes*

Peter:i forgave you guys a long time ago,I came cause i wanted to fix our relationship and fix our family and show you our new family member

Susan kissed peters cheek

Susan:you are so sweet,so where my nieces

Allison comes in hugging her spider man plushie with Franklin and Valeria

Peter:Hey sweetie how you enjoying your cousins

Allison:I love them,she is hugging valeria

Susan:omg your daughter is adorable

Peter:yup my perfect creation

Susan:Come give your aunt susan a hug

Allison goes and hugs Susan hard

Susan:Alright its settled she ours now

Peter:Well maybe the X men

Susan:Excuse me no,My niece Probably my new daughter

Allisons laughs

Peter:Oh my god Susan,you hungry


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