There's Something About Cho

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-Chapter 8-

A/N: I am so sorry for how long this chapter took me. I am changing Cho's personality for the sake of the story. But this chapter is a GOOD one ;)


It had been two weeks and Jenna-Jay had fallen deeper in love with Cedric, as did Cedric with her. Jenna-Jay still tried to find a way out of her liking Cedric. But it was nearly impossible. Cedric had always treated Jenna-Jay with great care but, since he knew that she liked him, he would hold her hand and walk her to her classes.

"You don't even have astronomy," Jenna-Jay said.

"I know but you don't like walking alone in the dark," Cedric responded.

"Fine! But can I borrow-"

"I already got it,"Cedric smiled, handing Jenna-Jay his jumper. Jenna-Jay blushed as the smell of his cologne filled her nose.

"Okay let's go, we have to be at the Astronomy Tower by midnight," Jenna-Jay said, intertwining her fingers with his.

They arrived at the stairs up to the Astronomy Tower.

"Have fun,"Cedric smiled.

"I will, Love y-," Jenna-Jay quickly turned around and darted up the stairs.

"I knew it!" Cedric gloated. Cedric chuckled to himself and went to the common room to read.

Jenna-Jay was looking at the stars and she couldn't help but think of Cedric.

"Hi," a girl said, interrupting Jenna-Jay's thoughts. JJ turned around and saw Cho Chang. Cho Chang was a year younger than she was, so they hadn't talked much.

"Hi, I love your hair," Jenna-Jay smiled, looking at Cho's up-do.

"Aw thank you so much." Cho smiled. Cho glared at Jenna-Jay's jumper and an evil smirk spread across her face.

"Who's jumper is that?" Cho question, with an unusually high pitch voice and desperate eyes.

"Oh this is Cedric's," Jenna-Jay said, rolling the oversized sleeves up.

The two girls continued to talk throughout the rest of the class. Jenna-Jay really liked her new friend. It helped her keep her mind off of Cedric.

After class, Jenna-Jay walked down the stairs with Cho, laughing about how Jenna-Jay tripped in class. Cedric was at the bottom of the stairs, his tired eyes lit up as he saw her walk down the stairs laughing.

"You came!" Jenna-Jay exclaimed, as she leaned into Cedric. Cedric wrapped his arms around her. Cho rolled her eyes and faked a smile.

"You guys are too cute," Cho said. Cedric saw her roll her eyes and held Jenna-Jay tighter.

"We should get going," Cedric said.

When they arrived at the common room, Jenna-Jay plopped on the couch.

"Jenna-Jay we have to go to our dorms," but by the time Cedric finished his sentence she was already asleep. Cedric picked his petite love off the couch, bridal style, and chuckled at how easily Jenna-Jay became tired.

"Do you want me to take you to your dorm?" Cedric whispered.

"No, yours," Jenna-Jay said, snuggling her face into his chest. Cedric grinned and excitement filled him.

He delicately placed her on his bed and she curled up. He loved how much JJ loved to wear his jumper. It showed everyone that she was his, and he was hers. Cedric changed into his pajamas and crawled next to Jenna-Jay.

The next morning Jenna-Jay and Cedric were getting ready for school.

"Cho and I are going to study together, so I will see you later today," Jenna-Jay said, fixing her tie.

"Cho seems...interesting,"Cedric said, trying to hint to Jenna-Jay she was bad news.

"Yeah she is interesting."

"O-Oh okay, good. I'm glad you realized."

"Yeah she is interesting, funny, she is also so sweet," Jenna-Jay said, now fixing Cedric's tie.

"N-no that's not what I meant."

"What did you me- Wait! We have to get to breakfast."

At breakfast Jenna-Jay ran off and grabbed Cho.

"You can sit with us!"

"Really? Thank you!" Cho said, sitting next to Cedric. Cho wrapped her foot with Cedric's. Cedric immediately kicked hers away.

"Jenna-Jay sits there,"Cedric said, glaring at Cho.

"Oh, don't worry, it's okay." Jenna-Jay said, smiling. Jenna-Jay started talking to Penelope.

"So what's the deal with you and Neville?" Jenna-Jay asked.

"I like him, JJ. I really do." Penelope said, blushing.
"Then tell him."

"No, I want him to tell me first. He needs some sort of confidence boost or something."

"He will come around," Jenna-Jay said, comforting Penelope.

Jenna-Jay was too distracted talking to Penelope to notice Cho leaning against Cedric. Cedric scooted away from her and Cho winked at him. Cedric stood up and pulled Cho with him.

"See you later Jenna-Jay," Cho said, with a smirk on her face. Jenna-Jay was now confused. Did Cedric like Cho?

A part of Jenna-Jay liked this because it was her excuse, it was her reason she didn't have to love him. But the rest of her, most of her, wanted Cedric to love her and only her. Not some Ravenclaw girl younger than her.

Cedric pulled Cho out of the Great Hall.

"Cho what are you up to?" Cedric questioned, crossing his arms.

"Nothing Ced. Just making some new friends," Cho said, with an innocent smile.

"Don't call me that. I love Jenna-Jay. Just her and only her."

"Okay Ced," Cho said, grabbing his hand. She pulled Cedric back into the Great Hall.

Jenna-Jay looked up as they walked through the Great Halls doors. She looked down saw that they were holding hands. She couldn't help but feel sad.

But she was okay with not having Cedric, right?

Cedric sat down but this time next to Jenna-Jay. Cedric looked at Jenna-Jay and saw her gloomy green eyes.

"You okay?"Cedric asked, holding her hand.

"Mhm, yeah of course," Jenna-Jay replied, while staring at his hand. She liked holding his hand, but she didn't like that his hand had also held Cho's.

But if they did like each other, she would be happy for them. Right?

"There's something about Cho,"Cedric whispered into JJ's ear.

"I can see that," Jenna-Jay muttered. Cedric had no time to reply because Penelope got up and pulled Jenna-Jay with her.

Jenna-Jay liked having Cho around because it distracted herself from Cedric.

But what she would soon realize, was that it was all revolved around Cedric Diggory

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So sorry for the delay. 

What do you think will happen next?

I am so sorry. But I HAD to add Cho

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