Moving In,

25 1 3

I pulled my suit case towards the little green house, I knocked softly on the door sighing,

The door opens a tall male wearing a red hoodie, "hello?" he spoke in a strong Norwegian accent, I smile to him "hey, I'm jade, is edd here?" I ask tilting my head,

He seemed to of snapped out of a daze and nods, "edd a girl is here to see you," he spoke and turns towards the living room, I poke my head in seeing the three sitting down,

"oh my god," edd says smiling, I chuckle walking in and do our handshake, "dude it's been too long," I say and turn to Tom and matt, "Tim tam," I smile fist bumping him,

"matty!" I smile high fiving him, he beams and smiles, "I can't believe your letting me stay," I sigh looking at them, "anytime!" edd grins and Tom nods, "this is going to be soo fun!" matt yells and I giggle,

"uhh.. Wh.. What is happening?" the Norwegian guy asks, "commie this is jade, our friend, she's living here now, Jade this is commie," Tom explains simply,

"I gonna shoot in the dark and say your names not actually commie," I say shaking my head and turn to the guy, he nods "you would be correct, it's tord," he holds out his hand, I take it smiling,

"mm, I wouldn't touch him, god knows where he's been," Tom says pulling me away, I give him a scolding look, he smirks taking out his flask,

"come on Jay, I'll show you your room!" edd says and I nod pulling the suit case behind me, Tom grabs the suit case and carry it upstairs I smile gratefully,

Edd pulls me down the hall towards a door, "so, how was your flight?" edd asks smiling, I nod "it was good, abit tired though," I grin and he opens the door, the room was spacious, "sweet," I mumble walking, Tom placed my bag by the door,

"your room is right next to tords and Tom's," edd explains and I nod smiling "okay, thanks guys," I chuckle and sit on the bed, "we'll let you settle in," matt says and pulled the others out, yawning I layed back falling asleep,


I woke to a bang from outside, jolting up right i get up and walk towards my door, "what did I say about touching my things, commie?" Tom's voice yelled and another shot rang,

Rolling my eyes I sigh, "yeah? Well don't talk shit about my comics!" tord shouts right back, I open my door and pop my head out seeing Tom holding tord at gun point,

"what the hell are you doing?" I ask my accent becoming more noticeable, they both turn to me and Tom puts the gun away, they both turn to me innocently, "nothing!" they chime,

"what time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes, "it would be 3 in the afternoon,"tord smiles and swings he's arm around me, I didn't even mind I was just tired, we walked down the stairs,

" I'm glad you two are getting along!"edd smiles I look at him grinning, walking around the couch I sit down edd switches on the TV,

We sat watching TV all day, laughing and talking, soon enough edd called out for pizza,

" so guys, tell me what I've missed, "I smile turning to them, they were talking about how they found Egypt ruins, went to hell, how the zombie apocalypses came, it was really interesting, and sounded made up but I wouldn't doubt it,

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