Prologue: All Good Must End

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Hello everyone and welcome to a book that I have started but forgot to post, ever since that I have found fanfiction I have been here for 2 years reading and looking for lizards and dragons books for me to read but sadly all I have found was people with Dragon like powers but no person being the dragon or a different creature so that's why I have taken upon myself to make a book so I will try to make one. So let's get this show on the road and I hope you like it as much as I want it to be.

I do not own Soul Calibur or any others except my OC.

"Hello"—thinking/actions or flashback
"Hello"—other being

This chapter will have the POV after this that's it


On an open field of grass with flowers, all was peaceful with the sound of a breeze of wind blowing out to the open skies, all was nice with a sense of calm to which on a normal day would be great even going as far as having a picnic.
But not in this area for today because there is a reason why out of all the areas this one was no place to have a picnic, especially in a war torn world where everyone is hunting down the infamous sword known as 'Soul Edge'.


At the sound of metal hitting metal, we see two figures fighting each other, one wielding a weird greatsword that has an eye in it, the other wielding a large greatsword. However the two figures were revealed to be different beings, one is human in silver armor, while the other is a Lizardmen wearing armor that looks like everyone's worst fear, Nightmare but without the helmet and the arm but with full on armor.
As the battle continues the human says "FrostFang please stop, drop that sword right now it's evil and you can't control it! That sword will consume your soul and turn you into the monster that I have become!"

When the Lizardmen, named FrostFang, heard this he knew what the human was talking about but the sword known as Soul Edge trembles because since it too had been used to damage the world when it ended up in the humans hands, this sword wanted a wielder, it wanted to be used for justice, not for ultimate destruction which this human's mind wanted and many had the same desire to destroy and consume the souls of the innocent and not the damned. However when it was picked up by FrostFang, he didn't seek it in power or for destruction, but in protecting the weak, to bring justice to those that seek to destroy the world and have a wielder that can control its power which this Lizardmen had wanted to do.

Knowing what the human is saying, a growl came up his throat saying "I know, but are you sure you're still not under the influence of that sword? You're not only the wielder of Soul Edge, but also Soul Calibur and you're saying that it will control me? Look at me, do you see me under its control?! You were the one that was being controlled, your mind tricked you into succumbing to this sword's dark aura! YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, SIEGFRIED!!!!!!!!" He spoke until he started roaring near the end with tears forming near his red eyes.

Upon hearing this Siegfried flinch a little because of the sheer sadness in FrostFangs voice, a pang of guilt rose from his heart knowing what he said was true, he was the wielder of the spirit sword known as Soul Calibur, but not only that, he also wielded Soul Edge, however his mind had fully succumbed to its dark aura in which he used the sword instead of what it wished for to be, and turned the sword that everyone wanted it because of its power or some that wanted to destroy it so that the past can never repeat itself again. At this point Siegfried and FrostFang had already raised their swords against each other to which they had only clashed for twenty minutes but to them it felt like hours as one strike would be blocked by the other's sword or landed a hit but due to the armor protecting the wearer from harm.

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