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Characters are
.Caitlyn Brumfield as Cara Waters
.Amber Brumfield as Claire Maxwell
.Rylee James as Ashley Brumfield
.Janelle Maxwell as Joslyn James
.Calum Hood as himself
.Luke Hemming as himself
.Ashton Irwin as himself
.Michael Clifford as himself

Cara pov.

I'm a 16 year old girl. Who lives in Ireland with my mom. My parents are divorced. My dad move to some were i don't know were. I have a some what relationship with him.

"Hey mom. Can i ask you something important, about life related." I ask her. I have ask her something like this before so I had a nervous look on my face. All I was thinking was, how will she reacted. Will she get mad and slap me like she did last time.

"Ya sure what is it. Is it going to be boy or school related." she asked me from somewhere ing the house.

"It's school related. Where are you anyway way. Btw there is a ticket to London on the counter." I said with a wired look on my face. Why is that here. I hope she will tell m why because this is really confusing for me.

"I'm in your room. I will tell you what that is for. Just come up here." she said when I was walking up stairs.

So what is the ticket to London for. Mom why are you in my room anyway." I ask her.

"Well the ticket is for you. You going to live with your dad. That is why I'm in your room. You are leaving in week. Sorry Cara for not telling you. Can you help me get all your things." She asked me before she started to cry.

Why is she crying. Like I have any fun live with her. Living with her has be fucking hell. I feel happy that i get leave this dump. The worst part about living with my dad is he will always bring his next door neighbor to dinner. He is dating her that is why he invites her. The bright side is i get to see my brother now. "Why are you crying mom. We can still Skype, text, and call." I said

I'm just crying because you are leaving me here." She said.

"So we can pack I need to know were the suitcases are. When I find them you can get all my shoes and I will get my cloths all ready. So were are they?" I said.

"They are in the closest down the hall. I just had to tell you that I love you." She told me.

When she said that I just froze up. What she loves me. Most of the time she tells me that I am a worthless peace of shit. I snap out of it and grabbed the suitcases.

A week later

It has been a day since i have moved London from Ireland to live with my dad. Today I start school. So i was wereing a black jacket with a green day shirt, black skinny jeans, and blue vans. I skip breakfast like I always do. So I got in the car and my dad drove me down the start to the school. "Are you ready for your first day of school.

"Ya but I think it's weird that I'm starting school in the middle of the year." I said looking out the window.

"It's not weird. A look of people move schools at the middle of the school year."

We finally got there. When we walked in the office I was told to sit down so a lady in the office can talk to my dad. They were in there for 30 minutes. When they finally came out of the room. The lady gave me a piece of paper with all of my classes. She told me to walk with her so she can show me three girls. We walked over to them and she told me to introduce myself. So I did. "Hi. I'm Cara. I moved here from Ireland." I said to make her happy.

"Nice to meet you I'm Joslyn. This is Ashley and Claire. We are all different here. For example Claire is 16, Ashley is 18, and I am 17. We are all friends because of what we like." The girl with brown hair said.

"Nice to meet you too". Wow they seem nothing like the people at my old school. The people there are mean. They tell me to just kill myself because I'm not like them. "Well do you girl play any instruments." I ask because no one did at my old school.

"Ya we play instruments. I play guitar. Ashley plays the drums. Joslyn is really good on the guitar. Do you play anything." Claire ask me.

"Ya I play the bass. If it is ok with you I think thqt we should start a band. If we do this we can get to know each other better." I said. They look at me like it was a really good idea.

"Ya we should. Where can we do this at. My mom hates visitors. Joslyn mom hates music. So how about your place Cara." Ashley said.

"We can i all ready have guitars and a drum kit at home. I don't live that far anyways." I said.

"Ok but i might be late I have to remake up a test. So I might text you Joslyn." Ashley said.

"Ok see you all later."

Time skip (because I'm lazy)
Ashley pov.

So i just got done with a test. The test I hade to retake was a math test. The teacher is Mr. China. He is a really mean teacher. So I walk up to him put the test on his desk. When i was walking away he said "Ashley you are my best student. I really happy you want to get your grades at there best."

"Wow. Thanks." I said. So I was walked out of the class room and took out my phone out. So I text Joslyn to tell her i was done with my test.

Me- Hey I just got done with my test
Joslyn- Ok. So me and the girls will pick you up. So wait out side in the frount of the school
Me- Ok
So I walked outside to the frount of the school and they were all ready there. "Hey. The teacher made me were a purple t-shirt." I said.

"Why purple." Claire asked.

"I think he did it because he know I hate purple. He also hates me." I told them.

"So can we get out of here before he knows were here?" Joslyn ask.

"Ya. Let's go back to your place Cara." Claire said. Then we started to walk to Caras house.

Time skip(because I'm lazy)

"Ok. I have to tell you guys something." Cara asked coming in the room with a face like she did something wrong.

"Ya. Sure what is it." Claore asked.

"What would you guys say if I signed us up for something called battle of the bands? Will you be up for it?" I asked.

"We would love that right girls." I said.

"Right." The other two said. The door open and a boy who I may have seen before walked in. Is that Cara brother? "Cara who is that?" I asked her.

"Oh this is my 18 year old brother Zack. It's his last year in high school. Oh, Zack this is Claire, Joslyn, and-" She said before he cut her off.

"I know who the last one is. It Ashley James right." He said.

"Right. Hiw do you even know who I am." I asked him.

"I sit right behind you in math. I never got to tell you how cute you are. Cara dad was wondering if your friends would like to stay for dinner." He said.

"Ya they do. How long have you had a crush on her." Cara asked him.

"For about a month and ok." He said leaving the room.

"Bye." We all said.

"If we are going to do this we need a name and a song." Claire said.

"How about Girls on fire and the song can be American Idiot from green day." Joslyn said.

"That's awesome Joslyn. Now all we have to do is practice." I said.

----------------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry for not meating the boys yet. I might not updated fast because school just started. I hope you guys liked the chapter because it was a lot of fun to write. Tell me who you want as a couple. Later on in the story I will be given shout out and some contests. I will have more information on that. I just want to know how are you guys doing. If you want me to I will follow you. All you have to do is comment your name down below. Here's some info about the girls. Ashley is turning 18 in the beginning of the story. Claire is a year younger then Ashley. Last but not all Joslyn and Cara are the same age as 16 in the beginning.


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