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The day has come, the one I have been dreading. I decided that Ranboo and I should at least try and see what she has to say, but she hasn't seen me in 4 years. She's probably going to ask why my face is all scarred and why I walk weird. I don't want to explain to her about the car crash. They told me they tired calling her, and she chose not to pick up. She doesn't get to chose when to walk in and out of my life, along with my Dad. I'm not as upset with my Dad though, he tried staying in touch with me, but my mom blocked my number on his phone, or that's what I like to think.

I do the finishing touches of my makeup and slip on my dress. It's not super fancy, just something better than pajamas and hoodies. I walk out of the room and see Ranboo sitting on the couch ready. He looks at me and comes up to me hugging me "You look beautiful." I smile and we walk to the car.

Ranboo is in the drivers seat and i'm in shotgun. He holds my hand to comfort me because he knows i'm worried. I wonder how he feels, he should be worried, not me.

The car ride is only an hour long, I didn't know they moved so close.

Ranboo opens my car door for me and leads my to the front door. I hesitate to knock. What if she's just going to be mean or make fun of how I look. Ranboo looks at me and comforts me "Don't worry y/n, everything will be ok." He kisses my hand and helps me knock on the door. He's right, everything will be ok, i'm just overthinking.

I hear footsteps walking to the door. They stop and the door opens. I'm greeted by my dad who pulls me into a huge hug. I hug back right away. I've missed him so much. When we let go, he looks at Ranboo and says "So you're the man who took care of my daughter, thank you." He pulls Ranboo into a big hug and Ranboo awkwardly hugs back. I giggle and he lets us in. I see Clay is already here and he brought George and Sapnap. We all greet and my Mom comes out of the kitchen. She looks at me with tears forming in her eyes. She runs up to me and hugs me. I hug back and she says "I've missed you so much. I'm so so sorry." I let go from the hug just nodding. I'm not ready to forgive her yet. She greets Ranboo with a handshake and walks back into the kitchen to finish the dinner.

I grab Ranboo's hand and we sit next to Clay, George and Sapnap on the couch. Clay looks super happy, and I'm happy. Maybe she has changed.

We all catch up and talk about how everything's going, then Sapnap brings up "Sooooo, is Clay going to be an uncle soon?" I turn super red and say "Sapnap! We're only 19!" Sapnap laughs and George and Clay joins in. Ranboo looks at me with flustered pink cheeks. I giggle and we move on from that.

My Mom calls out dinner and we all make out way to the dinner table. I have Ranboo sit next to me. My mom is on one end with my dad on the other. Clay, George and Sapnap are opposite of Ranboo and me. We all start eating with an awkward silence overtaking us all.

Dad speaks up "So, what's everyone's job?" I look at him and say "Well, i'm working at bath and body works now, but I plan to go to college to become an App Developer." He smiles and looks at Ranboo. He chokes on his food a bit and says "Uhm, well I stream and make YouTube videos." My dad nods and moves on to George, Clay and Sapnap. They all say the same thing and the conversation continues. There's laughs here and there. It felt like we were a family. I started feeling more and more comfortable.

Ranboo sees and whispers into my ear "I think you should tell them about the accident." I nod and start to speak up. "I have something important to talk about, and it's really hard for me to talk about, so sorry if I start crying." My mom and dad look confused but Clay knows what i'm about to say. I start explaining everything to them. Me getting in a car crash causing me to be in a coma for 5 months, my movement therapy, and tell them that's why I have many scars. My mom looks like she's about to cry and my dad looks at me in shock. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you Y/n. If I would've known..." I get upset when she says that and say "Well maybe if you answered the call on your phone from the hospital, you wouldn't feel this way now, would you?" She looks at me with apologetic eyes. I get up and say "Well, thank you for this lovely dinner. I think we should do this again, but after I cooled down." I grab Ranboo's hand and pull him towards the door. I say bye before shutting the door.

Ranboo gets in passenger seat and i'm driving. There's silence in the car. I think Ranboo wants to talk about what happened, but I think he also doesn't want me to get mad. So the whole drive home is silent.

We get home and I put the keys on the counter turning to Ranboo. "Hey, I'm really sorry, I don't know why I got so upset. Thank you for coming with me. I'm sorry you had to see that." He looks at me and hugs me "Don't be sorry, you have every right to be upset with her. I love you y/n." I smile and pull away from the hug to look into his eyes. I say softly "I love you too." And we put our foreheads together with our noses touching.

-Time Skip-

I wake up to Ranboo shaking me. I grunt and say "What time is it?" He looks at me while smiling "4:32 am, but I want to see the sunrise with you! Keep the pajamas on and meet me in the car. You can sleep on the way there!" He gives me a forehead kiss and runs out the room. I get up and walk to the bathroom to quickly splash cold water on my face to wake myself up a bit more. I walk outside and sit in the warm car. When Ranboo pulls out of the driveway, I pass out.

I wake back up to the car coming to a stop. Ranboo opens my door and helps me out. I look out and see we're on a cliff. Is he gonna kill me? jk jk but I ask "Why are we on a cliff." He looks at me and says "The view is better up here." He smiles and drags me closer so we are able to see the sun rise.

We wait for a bit and start to see the sun peak over the valley. Gosh it's so beautiful. The light blue starting to take over the sky with the orange and reds. I put my head on Ranboo shoulder and he pulls me into a side hug. I'm so lucky to have met Ranboo.


(1270 Words)

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter came out super late today! I was really busy with weekend homework! I love you all!!! Drink some water and sleep if you need to ❤️❤️

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