An Old Friend

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A few weeks have passed and Tooru has been isolating himself. Whether it be me asking if he needs anything or Iwa talking to him, he's not responsive. This injury is really taking a toll on his life and this is all my fault. No matter how much my mom and Iwa say it wasn't, I know it is and Tooru's fangirls make sure that I know it was.

"Hey Y/n . Look at me you bitch!"
One of Tooru's fangirls say shoving me to the ground.

"You know this is all your fault right? It's your stupid fault Tooru isn't the same. Why he's shutting himself from this world. ALL YOUR STUPID FAULT."
They say while kicking me in my stomach.

"Oi back off!
I hear a male voice say. Half of me is relieved someone is to my rescue but the other half is saying this is well deserved.

"Y/n are you ok?" Iwa says giving me a hand.

"Pft you think those girls can hurt me. Well you must think little of me." I try to say numbing all the pain.

"Yeah right it clearly shows that you are in pain."

"Yeah right. You know I'm a strong girl." I say pointing at my noodle arms. Being very thin runs in the family.

"Come on let's go to the nurses office." He says slightly smiling. At least I can make someone smile.

The day goes by and school ends. I head to the locker rooms to change for practice. And then make my way to the gym. All the boys warming up and getting ready.

"Hey y/n! How you doing?"


"You seem off so I wanted to ask what's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing but why do all the guy seem tense?"

"Did you forget? The practice match is today."

Oh shit that's today.

"Oh that's today?"

"Yup that's today."

Great now I feel worse. Nice going y/n.

They usual went but more setting up being that we are going to have guests. Everything went smoothly, I then heard foreign voices. They had been so unfamiliar it had been upsetting to my stomach. I don't know if the pain had been the kicking from the morning or just all the guilt eating me up.

"Uh hey Yuki-san I'm going to go to the restroom really quick."

"Ok don't be too long."

I take the long way hoping I don't bump into any of the Karasuno guys. To my luck I didn't and made it to the restroom peacefully. I run cold water and throw it on my face.

Come on y/n get it together.

Once I'm done calming down my nerves. I make my way out of the restroom. I'm heading towards the gym when a little orange haired boy knocks me down.

"Omg omg I'm so sorry. Ah I can't seem to do anything right. What if we lose because of me? Omg."

"Uh um it's ok don't worry. And just do your best out there. You'll do amazing don't worry."

Not going to lie that really hurt.

"Hey Hinata hurry up we need to warm up before the game."

Wait t-that can't be...

"Y-Y/n is that you?"

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