Chapter 2
After a twenty minute drive we parked up beside this huge block of posh apartments on the outskirts of London, I looked up, no way could London have a place as nice as this! Zayn was carried out of the car by Harry and Niall as he had fallen asleep in the car, apparently I didnt want to see Zayn when he had just woken up?
Liam strolled over to the main entrance of the apartments and held open the door politely for everyone, the whole time Louis had his hand protectively on the small of my back, I looked up and he smiled widely at me.
"Do you know you're really small?" he said randomly.
I gave him a nudge. "I'm not that small, I'm 5 foot 2! You, my friend, are just freakishly tall!"
"Oh, so I'm your friend now am I?" he said giving me a quick wink.
"You two! Stop flirting and get in the bloody lift!"
I turned round to see Harry looking at us impatiently. We shot him apologetic looks and walked into the mirrored lift, I've never seen myself so many times and at so many different angles!
We shot up to the top floor and the doors flung open to reveal a huge living room with many sofas, above the living room was a grand staircase and many bedrooms. In all of my life I had never seen anything so grand!
Niall ran to the kitchen coming out with several bag of crisps and bars of chocolate. Zayn ran to the bathroom, I could faintly hear him complaining at how much his quiff had collapsed. Harry was lying on the sofa and flicking through the TV channels with Liam by his side.
"I'M BORED!" said Louis, letting out a sigh, "Can we watch a film?"
All the boys stopped what they were doing and let out a "YEAH! MOVIE NIGHT!"
"I wanna watch Toy Story!" Liam cried.
"You always watch Toy Story! I wanna watch Love Actually!" Cried out Harry soon afterwards.
I shouted, breaking my silence causing all five boys to look at me shocked.
"There is only one way we can solve this!"
"How?" said all the boys in unison, wow do they practice talking like that or something?
"Right,Liam, you sit on the table over there, Harry you sit opposite, elbows up! Hold hands, whoever wins the arm wrestle gets to watch the film"
They followed my instructions like school children,after a tiny battle, Harry won and Love Actually was soon slipped into the DVD player.
I sat myself next to Zayn on the sofa and I was soon joined by Louis again, at certain times of the film he did the whole 'pretending he was yawning put his arm around you thing', I couldn't deny that I liked it but it was still a strange feeling having affection from a boy.
When the film was finished Niall let out a cry "I'M HUNGRY!"
"Again?" I said with a confused look on my face.
"One thing you will learn about Niall is that he never stops eating and he is never full up!" said Zayn.
"Lets order pizza then?" I suggested.
After stuffing ourselves with pizza, we then found out that we were bored AGAIN.
"I know lets play spin the bottle, whoever it lands on gets a dare!" said Harry mischeviously.
We all nodded and agreed, afterall we had nothing better to do. Niall waddled off to the kitchen and came back with an empty Pepsi bottle, we sat round in a circle with anticipation. Niall span it and the bottle pointed towards Harry.
"I know!" said Niall, "I dare you to lick....Liam's armpit!"
Harry looked at Niall with disgust as Liam was sniffing his armpits, Liam slowly lifted his top up to reveal a bare hairy armpit, Harry sat next to Liam gagging, he slowly pointed his tounge out and tapped Liam's armpit with it, causing the whole group to erupt with laughter. Harry soon dashed to the kitchen to get a glass of water to get rid of the taste.
Harry came back and joined the group again and span the bottle, this time it pointed towards Zayn, the group gave an evil grin.
"I dare you to go to the bathroom, splash water all over your hair, let it go flat and leave it like that for the whole night!" Said Liam with a cheeky grin.
"NO! You can't do that to me! Thats creul! I'd rather lick your other armpit than that!"
"A dare's a dare" said Niall.
Zayn ran to the bathroom, we could hear the tap being turned on and Zayn fake crying. He came back with an annoyed look on his face, he stomped over to the group with his bottom lip sticking out and his arms crossed, he was just like a child!
Zayn span the bottle, after it spinning round for what seemed like an eternity it landed in between Louis and I.
"You know what that means!" said Zayn.
"No? What does it mean?" I said with a confused look on my face.
Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall all looked at eachother before chanting "MAKE OUT! MAKE OUT MAKE OUT!"
Louis stood up with his hand held out so I could stand up. He put his hands on my hips as I did the same, he leant his head on my forehead looking into my eyes. His lips soon crashed into mine, our lips moved in sync, and it felt so right but so wrong at the same time, I started to enjoy it but then I remembered Ellis, and all I could picture was Ellis forcefully kissing me. I couldn't do this anymore. I pushed him away. He looked at me with hurt eyes.
"I'm sorry, I have to go" I said quickly rushing out of the room and towards the lift. Louis was chasing after me.
"Have I done something wrong?"
"It's nothing, you wouldn't understand, I have to go anyway, my dad will wonder where I am."
And with that I ran down the street and caught a taxi, soon to realise I left my phone, I couldn't go back there and get it, there was no way I was facing Louis again. I had to carry on as normal, well, as normal as normal can get.
Hi again! Told you I was going to publish chapter two soon! I'm british so if you are from a different country and can't quite understand some of my vocabulary please let me know! Also, if you find any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me, I'm really enjoying writing this. The story is a bit of a drag at the moment because I'm trying to explain the setting as much as I can. You will also find out about Ellis and more of Jess' past later on!

She's Not Afraid
FanfictionMy abusive ex boyfriend Ellis had put me off relationships for life, no way could I go back there again, but then one day Louis Tomlinson walks into my life, he was nothing like Ellis, he was loud, crazy, funny and sensitive, something that I wasn't...