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❤️ by OliviaWilde, Gemmastyles, and 2,739,840💬 view all 591,749 comments

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❤️ by OliviaWilde, Gemmastyles, and 2,739,840
💬 view all 591,749 comments

Y/nstyles - I heard blondes have more fun, let me know if that's a true statement. Luna is gonna be surprised when she's sees you! It looks good on you though! 😁💕

Harrystyles- @y/nstyles I know 😂😂 thank you btw ❤️

Y/nandharryfp- ^^^ I love this!! ❤️

Hazzafp- omg Harry is blonde!!! 😍😍😍😍

Gemmastyles- what made you want to dye your hair blonde? It's doesn't look bad tho!

Harrystyles- I heard my wife had a thing for blondes 😏 @gemmastyles  *comment deleted*

Harryswife-  did anyone catch what Harry commented before he deleted it . 😳

Harryupdates- I think he's referring to y/n's caption on her last post.

Authors note
I had seen everyone freaking about Harry dying his hair blonde on Twitter last week Idk if it's true though. Anyways more updates to come 😊

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