2.1 The Read-Through

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I woke up to see none other than Richard Bowen walking up to my house. Was I gonna fake being sick? Probably. Did I decide not to because of the musical? Yes. Sadly, I did. I would have quit if it wasn't for me getting the lead.

I hear a knock from downstairs. I didn't tell my siblings about the fight otherwise they would ask too many questions. "Alex! Ricky's here!" I can hear my sister, Max yell. I texted her telling her,'Don't wanna talk to him. Don't ask. Tell him I'm in the shower. Please. I'll tell you everything later, I promise.' I could hear her talk to Ricky, but I couldn't tell what she was saying. The next thing I know, I see Ricky leaving my house and my sister texted me back.

'Better tell me after school, ya jerk.' I laughed at the text and got ready for school.

Ashlyn and I are walking and see EJ talking to his phone. Ashlyn grabs my hand and pulls me to EJ before I could reject. "Hi!" Ashlyn looks at the phone. "Hola." I salute to the phone. "Hey. Say hi to my cousin and her weird friend and bye to my cousin and her weird friend. They're the bomb. Peace." EJ stops recording. By now, Ashlyn told me how EJ was her cousin and to be honest, he wasn't half bad.

"You're in a good mood. What happened?" I ask while walking in between him and Ash. "That's just for the fans, Lexi. Inside I'm a bucket of sad." He uses my nickname. I liked it. If I didn't, well, let's just say he'd have a bloody nose and a black eye. "You're still not over the not-getting-Troy thing?" Ash asks. "I put effort in this department and now I have to understudy my girlfriend's ex. No offence, Lexi." EJ replied.

"None takin. If it weren't for me getting the lead, I'd quit." I shrugged. "Wait- why?" The cousins both asked. "Well, uh, two words. Richard. Bowen." I angrily said. "Wait. Hold up. I thought you two were best friends, other than you and Ash." EJ slowed his pace. "We got in a fight. I don't wanna go into detail. Oh look at the time. Gotta go to first period. See ya." I quickly walked away before I got questioned.

I walked into the read-through with Ash and EJ. I saw Ricky out of the corner of my eye and turned to face Ashlyn more, letting my hair fall in front of my face so he can't see me. All though, my hair was half dyed purple so, anyone could tell it was me. I look up and see EJ switching the 'Chad' card with the 'Troy' card so he was next to me and Nini and Ricky was sitting a chair away from us. He saw me. "Oh no please switch them." I said thanking him. Ash gave us both a look making us switch them back.

Great. I had to sit next to my ex-bestfriend. We both sat down, dreading the moment of Ricky sitting in between us. When Miss Jenn told everyone to get in their seats, I took out my notebook and started drawing so Ricky wouldn't bother me. I barely look up and see Ricky staring at me. Thank God Miss Jenn started talking. "I realize that you all walked in here as strangers." Miss Jenn clears her throat. "Actually, EJ's my cousin and, Alex is my best friend!" Ash interrupts. I salute to show I'm right here, and continue drawing. "But after today, you're a family. One tribe, committed to lifting this classic film to new heights." Miss Jenn continues. I can feel Ricky's eyes burning into the side of my head. A look up a bit and make awkward eye contact before going back to my drawing. "Please take your neighbors' hands." Miss Jenn takes Carlos and Big Red's hand in hers.

Ricky looks at me and sticks his hand out. I look the other direction and reach my hand out for Nini. She grabs my hand. I still don't grab Ricky's. "Hands." Miss Jenn directs to EJ and Ricky. The two boys hold hands with disgusted faces. "Ok." Miss Jenn doesn't notice me and Ricky until she looks around the circle and sees our hands not joined. "Hands." She said slowly. I finally put my hand in Ricky's reluctantly.

"Feel each other's energy. Let the silent speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes." Miss Jenn speaks. Ricky looks at our hands then at me. Even though I was mad I him, I just wanted to squeeze his hand and have him play with my rings. But I held back. What he did was wrong.

Remember?--Ricky Bowen (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now