CHAPTER 1:My Story

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Okay hey
Thandiwe here and welcome to our fictional life

First of all thanks for reading this story I hope you like it we will have many ups and downs here

Ok enough of talking let's go back to 5 years ago when I was 15(right now I'm 20)

5 years ago:

Y/n pov:

So today I'm going to the sway house to hang out with my friends(hype and sway) and my boyfriend Blake

Skip to the sway house:

I arrived at the house and opened the door since I had the key when I started hearing whispers

???- I thinks she's using us for clout

??? - I know right

??? - If we continue hanging out with her we will lose followers

??? - yeah we should cut our relationship with her

??? - and Blake you should break up with her

??? - yeah and get with Amelie

??? - yeah I think she's prettier

??? - you guys are right she's ruining my reputation

??? - so agreed no one is talking to her

??? - I don't agree you guys sound selfish and you two are her best friends and you two also are her boy bestfriend you guys shouldn't do that you guys know her enough to know she wouldn't use you for clout

??? - yeah but I think they're right

??? - and you her boyfriend you are just going to leave her for her bestfriend you are so stupid

Blake - I mean Amelie is prettier than y/n

Amelie - yeah I think we would be a great couple

I heard those voices I knew they were talking about me the only one that defended was Larri and I don't even talk that much with him my bestfriends and boyfriend betrayed me just like that

Y/n - you can stop talking crap about me behind my back talk to my face

They all turned around and saw y/n they were speechless

Blake - Hey ba-

Y/n - you know what just screw you all I thought we were friends but clearly we aren't okay just whatever I hope you guys are happy and that your careers grow

Bryce - we are so sor-

Y/n - sorry my a** you guys will see me in the spotlight just wait and see after that happens we will see who is using who for clout

I turned to Larri

Y/n - Larri the only one that defended me I will spoil you like you're my sugar baby

Larri - yes bit** let's go

Larri said and stood up ready to go with me

Y/n - and so you know I got accepted to the new marvel movie I hope you like it I was going to tell you but I guess you don't care but whatever

Avani - congrats bes-

Y/n - Avani pls save you congratulations to when I win a grammy

Y/n - It was good seeing you all for probably the last time bye

Me and Larri went to my car and drove off

And never saw them again

That is until....


Hey starting book 2
I think this will be interesting
Since my name is long I will start writing Thandi
What will happen in the next chapter
Only I know that

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