CHAPTER 2: Comic Con

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Hey again it's me Thandiwe

5 years later:

Y/n pov:

"Y/n here" a paparazzi shouted

"Look here" another one shouted

"You look so pretty" a fan shouted

"Gorgeous" other fan shouted

"Queen" another fan shouted

"Omg you're stunning" a paparazzi said

"I love you" a fan said

"Perfection" another paparazzi said

So you may be wondering why all the shouting well I'm at comic con(I think you guys thought I would say sum like met gala or red carpet😂) about to answer questions about the new avengers movie that I appeared and finally after a long time the whole cast is here and we're promoting Infinity War because in a few days it will be the premiere well let's get back to the story

Announcer- hey guys

*the crowd started shouting

Announcer- today we have all the avenger cast with us let's bring them all tom Holland(TH), tom hiddleston(T), chris evans (CE), chris hemsworth(CH), mark Ruffalo(MR) , sebastian stan(SS) , Robert downey jr(RDJ), scarlett(SJ) and y/n Johansson(yj)

*the crowd cheered more as we went on stage

SJ - hey guys

CE - how are you

*the crowd cheered


wow they are really hyped


SS - are you excited for our new movie

*they started chanting yes yes yes(I'm having Daniel Bryan vibez lol)

CH - what do you guys want to know

Fan1 - hmm I have a question on this upcoming movie is anyone going to die?

RDJ - well we can't tell you that kkk

Me - yes we can't but we can tell you that you may not like the end very much

SJ - yes but it will be worthy watching it

Fan2 - hey first to say I love you very much and I want to ask if all the avengers be on the film

CE - that's a maybe

TH - you have to wait

MR - yeah just a few days

Fan3 - this question is for Thandiwe

Y/j - yeah okay go ahead

Fan3 - first to say I love you very much and I want to ask you started you career when you were 15 years old you gained new friends and remained with some right?

YJ - hmm yeah that's true....that's true

Fan3 - I want to ask were are your other friends because we only see you hanging around your bestfriend Larri and other famous people


Wow I wasn't expecting that
My friends are looking at me my sister too
They know what happened
All of them know
All of my close friends
What should I say


YJ - well we went our different ways and lost contact that's all in my prospective

Hater1 - that is not true she used them for fame then left them because she thinks she is better than them now that she's famous

SJ - excuse you my sister gained her fame alone

RDJ - yes she did and she is wonderful at doing what she likes to do

CH - yes if you don't have nice thinks to say get out

CE - yes leave her alone she is a wonderful person

TH - And a great actress

T - and a great singer

SS - stop sending hate to her

MR - yes security please take this person out of here

RDJ - okay let's continue with the questions

Skip due to the fact that Sebastian Stan is my celebrity crush😏:

SJ - sis are you okay


I was trying to write more but my cousin's wouldn't let me so
Love you all
Till next chapter luvs

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