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You know, after highschool I thought it would get easier. College would be easier, love life would be easier, dealing with my family would be easier, but I swear it just got harder. First year of college for me happened during Covid-19's reign, so I went completely online and huddled in the comfort of my apartment, only leaving to work for food, my housing and schooling was completely paid for by my trust fund. Of course, I can't touch it or know how much is there until I turn twenty-one, but it's obviously enough, I think. I didn't know much about my parents, I still don't. All I knew about them is that they were from Kenya and that we have family there, I always dream about visiting. 

I bounced from foster home to foster home all of my life before finally being adopted by the best couple when I was seventeen, Monica and Craig Lewiston. My biological parents apparently were in a freak accident when I was one, but no one came to claim me or them when they passed. They left me whatever they owned and the lawyers made the arrangements for everything. 

I have an adopted sister, Faith who is 10 years old, and the Lewistons adopted Luca when he was 14. He's 17 now and my best friend, but also a royal pain in the ass. 

When sophomore year of university came around I was not ready to integrate back into society. I was ready to go back to my apartment, and watch netflix 25/8 with no one to bother me. I am completely okay with online school, but the lawyer insisted that I become less of a hermit and actually mingle.

"Make some friends Clara, be a people person," she'd always say, and I'd always remind her "It's Cl-AH-ra, not Clair-a." She knew it pissed me off when she messed up my name. That's one of the only things I got from my parents. 

So here we go, first day of actual college and I stare into the dark abyss that is my closet. I didn't go school shopping but i'm sure I can find something, hopefully. Key word: hopefully. I settle for a pair of black jean shorts and a white cropped long sleeved top. It's Los Angeles and flippin boiling all day everyday, but I wanted a little something to cover up. I beat my face, I usually don't but first impressions I guess, and I wet my hair so the curls are bouncy.

 I used to straighten my hair every day back in highschool, it was atrocious. I think it was the combination of the mainly white school, in the mainly white neighborhood, with my white foster parents. White wash is a disease I swear, and you never know when it'll hit you, but I learned from my mistakes. After a year of treatment I learned how to manage and embrace my curls, and I can't lie, they make me feel ten times more of a bad bitch. 

I head to my car and hope to god the seats aren't feeling like hell today but alas, the minute my ass touches the seats I end up thrusting my hips into the air, being careful not to let the leather burn me again. The struggles of Cali sun. I end up sitting on my backpack and waiting for the car to warm up a little before I blast the AC.

 I turn on the radio and they interrupt my Rihanna jam for a quick advertisement, rude af I swear. As soon as I'm about to zone out I hear something that peaks my interest. "-and YOU can be a princess for a day, enter your essay to spend the night with Prince Xavier who is here in LA for only two months. Not only do you win your forever fairytale dream, but also two first class tickets to wherever you want to go in the WORLD! Make sure to submit your entry to our website within the next 10 days to have a chance to win-" I switch the station trying to find one that isn't only playing ads all day, and I end up finding some throwbacks to jam to, but in the back of my mind I can't help but think about the free tickets.

 I've always wanted to go back home and learn more about my roots and maybe even find my family. Maybe...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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