The struggles of living with a catnip addict

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"Isu... I just don't know what to do. I'm tearing my hair out!" Bam almost sobbed, clinging to the purple jacket of Shibisu's tracksuit as he entered Bam's apartment.

"Is it really that bad?" He replied, prying Bam's fingers off him and gesturing that they should go further in. Shibisu had quickly rushed over after Bam called him, almost in tears from stress.

Bam sniffed and nodded his head, holding it all inside as he led his friend through to the lounge.

"He's obsessed with the stuff. Every minute of every day he's yowling for it. And if I don't give it to him he just loses it!" His voice wavered and cracked, trying to hold himself together.

"Okay, okay. Let me speak to him. I don't think it will help at all if he won't even listen to you , but I can try."

They came to a stop outside the door to the lounge and Bam glanced over his shoulder, sniffling and smiling a weak "Thanks, Isu. You're my last hope."

Shibisu smiled back though it quickly disappeared when Bam looked away. He gulped and let his concern show in his furrowed brow.

Just what has Khun gotten himself into now?

Bam finally opened the door with a quiet creak, pushing it wider gently and revealing the bright and sunny empty lounge.

Bright and sunny empty lounge...

Empty lounge!

They stepped inside and Bam frantically looked all around him until he heard loud crashing and clanging from the direction of the kitchen. A loud, panicked shriek from Bam accused the perpetrator "Khun!"

Suddenly Bam was off like a shot, disappearing into the kitchen leaving Shibisu alone, stranded and puzzled in the lounge. He stood in the middle of the room, the loud noises and shouts of "Khun get off the counter!" and "Khun, get down from there!" Followed by more banging and now the occasional hiss as well! He had considered going after Bam but now thought twice about it.

Fortunately, Bam came barging back through into the lounge, his face torn between anger and despair. He dragged behind him a slightly shorter blue haired man, scruffing him by the collar of his white shirt as he yowled and hissed, struggling in Bam's grip.

Coming to a stop in front of a startled Shibisu, Bam pulled Khun in front of him and released his collar, watching as the usually proud and arrogant man dropped to the floor. Shibisu looked on as his friend's pet... companion... boyfriend... cat boyfriend (? honestly, Shibisu had been drawing blanks on the bizarre situation ever since Bam had introduced him to his rare humanoid cat years ago) spat a clear packet stuffed with green leaves out of his mouth onto the carpet and proceeded to roll around on it.

The two normal humans observed the cat-like human squirming on the floor, his fluffy blue ears standing to attention, his tail swishing and curling and happy little chirps and purrs rumbling pleasantly from his throat as he closed his eyes in pure bliss.

"See?" Exasperated, Bam flung his arms in the air and Shibisu could sense tears on the horizon again, spotting Bam's lower lip trembling. He sighed and squatted in front of the cat boy who ignored his existence in favour of the small packet he was rubbing himself against.

"So, it's catnip?"

Shibisu tried to inspect the packet from afar, recognising the strong odour and the reaction of the feline man shamelessly exposing himself; Khun was now on his back, rubbing the scent into his hair, his body squirming and his shirt rising up to reveal his flat but firm stomach.

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