They Know Better Than We Do

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Hey y'all! Realized I forgot to post last week, so you'll get an extra story today. This one is a little more political than I usually like to get, but it's the way I see the world becoming.

This story goes backwards, via the prompt from

This may contain questionable subject matter. Please note that while part of it is personal experience, the rest is fictional and speculative.

Hey Siri 

I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it.

Hey Siri

It's been a long day. When my break notification came, I took out my earbuds while I went to get a coffee. The silence was kinda eerie. Then I heard a humming. I went to see who it was, but Mason, our guard, sent me back to my cubicle. I guess it's nice to know that someone else hums while they work, even if I don't know who it was.

Hey Siri

Do I have any points I can change for books? I prefer paper in my hands to the screen. No? Alright. I guess ebooks are better for the environment anyways.

Hey Siri

Do I have enough food points to get caviar again? No? Well, can I just transfer some of my fashion points over? I'd rather have fancy food than fancy clothes. Still no? Fine. I guess I'll just get a pizza then. What do you mean, I need something healthier? I'm hungry for pizza. Ugh, fine. If that's what the food guide says.

'Sup Jess—

I'm getting settled in. Did you know we have a guard to help us get back to our cubicles if we get lost? It's really handy, because all the rows of cubicles look the same. I don't know how he can tell them apart, or how he remembers who goes where. He would be cute if he looked like he cared about anything. It must be a boring job.

Hey Siri

Is there somewhere I can take some courses online? I'm thinking it would be cool to learn sign language, while we have to wear masks all the time, in case I meet anyone in the hallway at work. Yeah, I know breaks are scheduled. But I already know Excel! I guess you're right. It would be more beneficial to my job.

Hey Siri

My fashion points are adding up. I wanna order some new jeans. Oh, of course. They cut off circulation. I don't like jogging pants, but I guess that makes sense. What about tops? I was thinking maybe something green? Never mind. Maroon does look better with my skin tone. Thanks. It's not like everything I own is maroon already.

Hey Siri 

Today was our first day of work after the renovations! I still don't know who else is working there. We all start at different times so that we don't cross paths, but that's supposed to change once Covid's gone.

Hi Mom :)

What do you think about this new fixed income plan? There won't be any more poverty. That's true, though; people won't have much motivation to work hard, because they won't get any extra money if they do; but I'm sure that won't be an issue. We'll have to work less hours, so people will have lots of energy to get stuff done while they're there. I think it's a pretty smart plan. Besides, they know numbers. I'm sure they've got it figured out.

Hey Siri

Can I order some artwork? My room looks a little bare. I wanna give it a bit more life. How about a picture of the woods somewhere? Or mountains! No no no, a lake, surrounded by fir trees, reflecting the stars. What? No, I don't want modern art. So what if I live in a modern room? Listen, it's my room and I should be able to—oh, you're right. I don't own it. I don't own anything.

Hey Siri

Do you know why Instagram keeps deleting my post? Is it a glitch or something? No? Well that's weird. I guess this world does need more positivity. I'll change it and try again.

Hi Dad.

I heard about Grandma. I wish I could have come to the funeral. I watched the live stream replay after work, though. Pastor Caiden had a nice message. Give Mom a hug for me. And please don't go crazy with your conspiracies again. She was old. They said it was liver failure. Besides, vaccines don't kill people. The health department knows what they're doing.

Hey Siri

I'm bored now that work's shut down again. What's a good show to watch? No, I don't want to watch Bridgerton. Just because I like some regency romance does not mean I like that show. Oh come on! Can't I make any of my own decisions?

Morning, Mom!

Did you hear about this housing initiative the government is doing? Renting a room in a five-star apartment building is going to cost me a fraction of what I'm paying on my mortgage. Yeah, I know Dave Ramsey wouldn't approve, but he hasn't seen an offer like this before. They've got people studying the stats full-time. It's a great deal. And I'll be closer to work when it opens up again, which will hopefully happen soon, but they're talking about waiting till Covid leaves.

Hey Siri

Why'd you have to glitch on me today? I thought for sure that officer was going to drag me down to the police station if I couldn't prove I was on my way to work. It's ridiculous. Remember the days when I could pick up a latte and go cruising? Yeah, I guess it was a waste of fuel.

Hey Siri

Do you know when parks are going to open again? I really want to go for a walk. Not until Covid's over? That's kinda ridiculous. People need fresh air and exercise. No, you don't need to download a workout app—fine. I guess it's better than watching Netflix.

Hi Mom!

I hope Covid goes away soon so I can come visit again. I miss you guys. On a side note, though, it's kinda morbidly funny how we talk about Covid leaving, as if it's an unwelcome relative who's overstayed their welcome.

Dear Diary,

I'm honestly surprised that most people are putting up with the restrictions. We were raised on books like The Hunger Games and Divergent and songs like Tiny Riot and It's My Life and What About Us. I guess we're content with just rebelling in fiction. It's just weird.

Hey Siri 

Download Zoom.

Mornin Jess—

What was that app called again?

Good afternoon, Pastor Caiden.

Thanks for posting your sermons! It means a lot while we can't go to church. I just wish we could all sing together again.

Dear Diary,

I feel like this world is going haywire just because people are trying to set it straight. Apparently we're all supposed to follow what the government says because they're educated and know better. That might be true in some circumstances, but I feel like maybe they're overstepping their bounds? I don't know. I don't wanna cause a fuss.

Hi Mom,

Do you know what this Corona Virus thing is that they're talking about?

Dear Diary,

We had a great time today. There were twenty-three of us, all crowded around the fire, with marshmallow and chocolate sticking to our fingers. We sang some old songs together and told stories and played tricks on each other all night. Moments like these are what life is worth living for.

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