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(forgive me for the wait, i've been busy with schoolwork)

Kaeya looked up at his dear brother, "pathetic" Diluc said. He started walking away leaving Kaeya alone, "NO!! PLEASE DILUC DONT GO!" Kaeya screamed hoping Diluc would hear him. He didn't, Kaeya fell to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. "Please don't go... I want my brother back" he whimpered.

Kaeya bolted up from his bed. He was sobbing and struggling to think straight, a figure put a hand on his shoulder making him back away and bang his head on the wall that the bed was up against.

"Stay away from me! Please stop!" He begged, "its ok darling, just breath". He recognized that voice, it was his beloved boyfriend Albedo. He listened to Albedo, taking deep breaths as Albedo guided him into his chest.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Albedo said in a sweet as honey tone, Kaeya nodded as he nuzzled into his boyfriends chest. Albedo shifted Kaeya and himself down on the bed, "Would you like to talk about it?" Kaeya shook his head.

"Alright" Albedo said calmly, he intertwined Kaeyas legs with his own and started carding his fingers through the others hair. Kaeya hummed contently as he wrapped his arms around Albedos chest.

Kaeya felt very drowsy and started sleepily peppering his boyfriends face in kisses, "you're so lovely" he whispered. "Go to sleep dear" Albedo whispered just loud enough for Kaeya to hear. Kaeya dozed off with his head nuzzled in his boyfriends chest.

"Love you too dearest" Albedo said as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

286 words

light and dark (Kaebedo Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now