Chapter Eleven

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Anastasia couldn't stop thinking of the kiss

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Anastasia couldn't stop thinking of the kiss. Luckily, she had been able to sneak Michael out of her apartment before Helena crawled her way out of her room, and the kiss followed her around for the remainder of the day. She would catch herself randomly smiling while doing her usually tasks around the house, and when she went and got the mail downstairs, Ruthie had commented on her happy face. Things had been so hard for her as of late, but Michael had yet again made things easier for her.

And it was the same for him. As he made his way home, he couldn't help the blush that shined on his face. And it took a lot of restraint to keep himself from running back to her and doing it all over again. He wondered if he had done it right, or if she had enjoyed it. He certainly did. However, his happy mood was somewhat dampened when he had gotten home. Miriam was beginning to become fed up with Michael's everyday disappearances, and she had told him that she didn't appreciate being lied to.

He had rolled his eyes, telling her that she was overreacting and that he was simply exercising his growing ability. He knew though that eventually she would have to be made aware of Ana, but he would try his best to keep that as far down the line as possible. It had been yet another sleepless night for Michael, his mind replaying the kiss over and over. He had even felt that familiar tingle in his abdomen.

And so, the next day both of them woke with a smile plastered on their faces, and they continued their usual countdown till two o'clock.

"Here." Ana grumbled, tossing her mother a big of chips.

Helena eyed the bag skeptically as she continued to rot away in her bed. "Thought you wanted me to stop eating this shit?"

Ana rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. It was true, the girl had tried to incorporate a healthier diet into her mother's system. But as the days went on, the less she scared about the job she had always been so devoted to doing. "I don't really give a fuck what you want to eat, mother."

She turned to walk away, but Helena stoped her. "Hey!" She called, causing Ana to turn back around with an annoyed expression.


Helena observed her daughter, the smell of cigarettes rolling off of her. "Are you...alright?"

Anastasia narrowed her eyes at the question. It had been a while since she had heard that one. "What do you mean?"

Helena shrugged, blonde frizzy hair falling over her face. "I dunno. You're just...acting different."

Ana scoffed. "Just cleaning up your mess, mother."

She turned to leave the room, closing the door rather loudly. She couldn't wait to get back to work. She was lucky that spring break had arrived, otherwise she would have had a mountain of make up work to catch up on. Count your blessings, she continued to tell herself. She had a few hours before Michael would show up, so she used that opportunity to catch up on the laundry.

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