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"HERE." clay taps my shoulder. we're walking home from school. trying to kill some time.

i turn my attention to him. he holds a dandelion. "a weed?"

"it's the closes thing to a flower." he mumbles. i take the flower out of his grip. placing it behind my ear.

"thank you. what a gentleman."

"only did it cause you look like you're having a bad day." he makes clear.

"oh?" i scoff, "so not because you like me? cause i thought it was that?"

his face turns a vibrant pink. i bite my lip trying to hold back a smile. "that's so not true. me liking you?" he states.

"you were never good at hiding it." i look over to clay, who is driving us somewhere. i don't know where, no matter how much i beg. he doesn't tell me.

he takes a quick glance over to me, before bringing his attention back to the road. "hiding what?"

"your undying liking for me."

"oh come on." he scoffs, "that's just so not true."

i roll me eyes, changing the conversation, "can you please just tell me where?"

"no. i'll tell you when we get there."

"you're no fun."

"says the girl who is trying to ruin a surprise."

"fine then, i'm sleeping, cause this is taking forever." i turn my head, leaning it against the window. shutting my eyes. i'm not tired, just hoping that if i close my eyes the time would go faster.


clays car comes to a stop. i wait a few seconds thinking he could just be stopping at a red light. "aoife bea." he taps my shoulder. "we are here."

i pretend like i'm waking up from a deep sleep. "are we?" i say with my eyes half close. i look out the window to see where we are. my eyes widen at a beautiful sight of a flower field. "no way!"

i turn my gaze to clay, "flower field?" i say excitingly.

a huge smile forms on his face. "you like it?"

"what the hell, clay, i love it!" i hurry out the car. running up to the field. clay follows behind me, locking his hand with mine.

"we have to pay to get in." he reaches in his pocket, pulling out his wallet. "holy shit." we walk up to a long line.

i look up at him. his face cover in irritation. "it's worth the wait." i reassure with a smile. i lean my head against his arm. "i can probably feel like taylor swift here."

he places his hand on my head, running his fingers through my hair. "living the teenage dream."


i tap the heels of my shoes, impatiently. as clay pays for us to enter. we waited in line for almost an hour. the person who owns this property is probably making bank.

once we put on our wristbands, we enter the field. "where do you want to go first?" clay ask.

i readjust my hand placement in his. "let's go over to those daises." he gives me a nod, before walking off with me.

i scan the daises, running my fingers through them. "can i pick them?"

clay looks behind him, preceding to shrug. "i don't see why not."

"but what if we get in trouble?"

"adds excitement."

i give him a grin, before picking a daisy or two. three. i mean four. living in excitement. "would taylor swift do this?"

"you should tweet her."

"i so should."


the sun is starting to set a bit. clay and i found out way to a bench. i lean my head against his shoulder. "remember sophomore year, when you picked me a dandelion?"

"of course i do."

i look up to him, furrowing my eyebrows. "you do?"

"yeah," he brings his attention to me. "it's when i first discovered my feelings for you." he states in a whisper.

"it was?" i feel my stomach turn all fuzzy.

"yes." he whispers. clay then bends down picking a flower, and placing the flower behind my ear. "you're right bea, i'm so in liking with you." he places a soft kiss on my forehead.

my face heats up. my stomach feels like it's doing cartwheels. my heart feels like it's about to pop out of my chest. "i'm so in liking with you, too."


kisses and hugs <3


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