By the 19th

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I opened the door softly being sure not to wake anyone around. I slipped out of Gigis full bed and tip toed to the door picking up a pair of  pants and a top as I made my way through the dark. It was only five in the morning and the nagging need to check my notes made me get up the twins were tangled around me and Gigi but i managed to get put without a scratch.

I pulled on the pants and the hoodie and walked through the house until i was met with my backpack.

I only need to check my Bio notes and then ill stop i swear.


The next person to stir was Air, shed opened her eyes at half last six and exected a tiny girl still be laying in her arms instead there was a pillow. She smiled to herself as Gem opened her eyes next, they often woke up together it was a twin thing.

Air nodded to the door and got up expecting Gem to follow. They walked at the same pace and matched step unintentionally and they found themselves peeking into the living room.

Hope hand a red pen held on her ear and a yellow highlighter between her lips as she hunched over the coffee table. The blue highlighter was being used, and pencil was at the ready in her left hand.

She wrote furiously with her left hand highlighted with her right, and switched hands as she moved to the next page.

"Shes ambidextrous!" Air was shocked at the sight and so was Gem, they'd held and played with the girl once they were all together it was a breath of fresh air really from what they were used to at least.

Gem watched the little with high brows,"Anyone who writes like that has earned it."

It was a source of concern for the more serious of the two. Gem didn't like that she was awake before them, and studying at that,  She'd covered the area around her in sticky notes, the television was spotted with them and even the expensive pottery Gigi loved so much.

She hadn't even noticed that she was being watched she ignored the calm music playing throughout the house. The Twins instantly noticed the other sounds radiating from the kitchen before they headed over.

Gem was clad in pajama pants and a sports bra while Air went with her classic tee and panties. They opposed each other in the best way. They're lovers would say so too.

Air held onto her sisters hand as a simple comfort, it was barley a thought at this point in their lives.

"Hello, Miss Gemini, and Miss Air," they were greeted as they entered. It was Trey, he often followed the two wherever they went, he was something of a butler.

"Trey! How did you know we were here!?" Air bounced on her toes and covered her mouth to stop the squeals, if she didn't know her sister Gem would've taken her for a little a long time ago.


"Its my job to know Miss," he smiled and bowed like he always did. He's been with us since I can remember, if I know my family, and I do, I would say he is what Greg is to Telmont.

Bound by blood to serve us in anyway we need. I'm sure Air knows too but her soft brain won't take it for what it really is, slavery. I smile though, I love seeing him though, at least I know someone will find our bodies of we're offed.

"I made your favorites, and the Little Miss in there as well, though she refused to eat," he nodded to the living room were Hope stayed over her book.

I sighed and walked over to the little. I'm not great with kids but I am good at talking sense into people. No to mention she's been kind of controlled and my thinking is that's how she'll respond.

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