Hinobi HQ

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Ever since Mitch said all the things about her being a glitch, made her think, what if she really was but didn't know? What if he was right and she was dangerous. He provided good details in his claim, so good when Five brought up why she wasn't, it didn't convince her. Yet, Inspector 7 said it was very unlikely, she didn't believe that either. The thought lingered with her all the time. 'I'm a glitch..' She couldn't help but to think. Miko didn't want to hurt her friends, nor her family, even though there is good glitches like Ally and Alpha, but even they can act out sometimes and go on a rampage. None the less, she had to get going, today all of her Hinobi store was going to the Hinobi HQ for a check on their gear and better power ups because the HQ couldn't send them to the store. 

"Hey Meeks!" Five waved her over to the bus,

"Five! Hi!" She ran over, hugging him in the process.

"You ready to go?"

"More then ready!" She bounced into the bus and to the back.

"I wonder what upgrades were getting that the whole store is going!"


"Miko- that'd be too destructive-"

"But still!"

"Okay okay-"

She saw Mitch and his gang walk aboard, and looked down to her feet. She tried not to look at them, they probably all thought of her as a glitch. I mean they did all vote her as one and believed Mitch! Miko was just a glitch to them, she knew that. No one could convince her otherwise. Mitch, Heneesh, Zhara, Bergy, and Nix all thought she was a glitch! That's a fact for her. Maybe even Five too, he could've lied, just to look good about it. With what Mitch provided was too good of a claim to ever go against! Hell, she didn't even know herself if she was a glitch or not. Mitch was so right about everything. She is a glitch, isn't she, but what if she's not! What if her stupid mind is just playing games with her! ...

She looked over at Five, "Hey Five.. I'm gonna take a nap,"

"Alright, I'll wake you up when we're here!"

"Thank you!"

Miko moved to a corner in the back, it was in the sun which she liked.  She grabbed out her headphones, shuffling a playlist to calm her thoughts so she could sleep, like she did every night. She rested her head back, blocking out the chattering of everyone on the bus. The sun felt like a warm protecting blanket to her. She was all spread out, seeming as Five went to the front to talk with the others. She didn't really enjoy sleeping, but she enjoyed her dreams, A LOT. Most of her dreams were about her gaming, each time a new gaming scenario, only once in a while would she get a different dream.. a nightmare. These occur rarely to her, but boy when they do, they are the scariest. There was one where she was just a toy makers doll, another where she was trapped in a box and couldn't escape, those nightmares made her question her existence every time she got one. Soon enough, Miko's eyes rested down by themself, not being forced down anymore, she went sort of limp as she drifted to sleep. 

'Where am I? Hometown? But I thought we were heading to Hinobi HQ..' Miko spotted Five and ran up to him to greet him, she was stopped by something. 'What?' An invisible glass box? She banged on all sides, trying to get out, 'Help me!' She yelled, but Five turned and looked at her with a saddened expression. 'Five help me!' 'Sorry Miko..' 'What's going on!?!' She questioned, spinning around in the box, Mitch appearing from no where. 'I was right about you. You are a fucking glitch.' Soon everyone of her store appeared around the box, chanting glitch at her. She was scared and confused, 'I'm not a glitch though!' Phil came walking behind, 'Has she been captured?' 'Yes.' Mitch walked over to him, pulling the box Miko was contained in over with him. She looked up at Phil, frightened, 'Load her into the truck.' 'Wha! No please! I'm not a glitch! Please! Please!.. Five!' Five looked at her and shook his head, as the truck doors shut on her and everything went dark.

She woke up to Five shaking her awake, and the chants of glitch haunting her. He saw her wake up, pulling the headphones off of her, and hugging her.


"Are you okay Meeks?? I heard you mumbling for help, you sounded.. terrified.."

"Oh yeah- it's nothing- don't worry about it, I'm fine!" She smiled to show him proof,

"Alright, if you say so.. we're about 13 minutes away from the HQ, wanna play some Smash Bros?"


Both Five and Miko got out their switches, putting in the Smash Bros game. Miko chose Kirby like she always does, she loves to throw Five off the map with him as Five always chooses Cloud, there's only been 2 times where Five has beaten Miko in Smash Bros, all because Miko was doing stupid shit in the game getting herself killed. She ended up beating Five again, as he kept demanding rematches until they finally arrived at HQ.. She sat up, getting her backpack on, waiting for the rest to get off before her and Five got off. 

She stared up at the tall ass building, everyone stood in a single file line, getting scanned by the sensors. She watched as they walked in, a bit nervous for her turn. The thought of her being a glitch still lingering. Miko's store was huge, and it was taking a while to get through the line, Phil stood in the back with a bored expression. She watched everyone go by, up to her turn, she walked up to get scanned..

A blue light started flashing, the flashing giving her a headache, as she looked to Phil who now had a shocked expression. The flashing soon made Miko collapse, but a pair of arms caught her, she didn't know who's arms, for she was too weak to look. A blue shadow corrupted her vision, as she went numb..

Miko woke up on a table, looking around, hearing the words, 

"Sir.. I'm afraid she is a glitch.."

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