Hinobi HQ Part 2

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Miko was frightened when she heard that. It was true.. she was a glitch. It all made sense! Inspector 7 said her Hinobi didn't have the tech to detect humanoid glitches, but the HQ did! Her nightmares were becoming true. Before you know it, everyone from the store would be walking in, calling her a glitch.

She looked back up, over to them, "Wh-What's going to happen to me..?" She shakily asked, as soon as one of the two were beginning to speak, she started again "I'm sorry! I didn't even know I was a glitch! I promise you, I never knew- I thought I was normal- I'm- I'm sorry-" Miko started freaking out, and thinking of the worse thoughts of what they'd do to her now.

Phil sighed, looking at the distressed girl. "Miko, nothings going to be happening to you. We just need to run some tests, and see how this is possible. You've proven that you're not a bad glitch, you're like Ally and Alpha- except- human- and you know- human feelings, and looking like a human-"

"But what if I'm not a good glitch!?!? What if I'm fooling you and myself!-"

"Miko. Don't worry about that right now."

She looked down to her feet, "What tests do you need to run?"

"Just a few. You shouldn't worry. Furheal is great, he'll take care of you while I'm out with the rest of your peers." He motioned to the person standing next to him and walked out,

"So- I'm going to need you to lay flat on the table for me okay? I'm just gonna do a quick scan." Furheal walked over to her, gently gliding her down onto the table, "Relax yourself,"

Miko gave a shakily nod, trying to be as straight as she could be and tried not to move even all of this was freaking her out, she needed to act calm, calm.. calm. She was everything but calm, her thoughts and emotions were all over the place. She laid there though, peacefully, as a whole freakout was masked inside of her. Miko was getting quite good at masking these freakouts, she felt the scanner against her skin. It was chilly, she shivered as it went over her. Miko complied to Furheal, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.

He nodded and allowed her to leave, sending a bot to monitor her just in case. She looked around the HQ for a while, rubbing her wrist, she spotted Phil and ran to him asking where everyone was. He motioned to large metal doors, opening it as Miko walked through. People turned her way, asking where she was, or what that blue light was, she just told them that she would rather not talk about it. Five nudged her, and smiled at her when she turned his way, Miko mouthed 'I'm okay- don't worry,' seeing his worried state. He still hugged her then whispered explaining what was being shown for the tech boosts. She nodded, watching, trying to make sure her stress wasn't showing. Miko followed the instructor, noting everything.

Although Phil said nothing would happen to her, she was scared. They could be lying! They could lock her away just like her dream! They'll all gang up on her.. call her a glitch.. and Five won't help her. It will all play out just like that dream. She'll be stripped of everything. She won't see her family again, she won't be able to tell them what's happening, they'll probably wipe their memory of her!

"Miko. Come on we're going." Mitch grabbed her arm and led her out sort of angrily, Miko just allowed herself to be dragged by him, not even knowing she was being dragged or he even talked to her, just stuck in her own thoughts.

"Mikooooo?" Five waved his hand in front of her face when Mitch brought her to the group.

"Hello? Earth to Miko? You there?" Zhara tried.

Furheal came running from his office, "Don't worry!" He blasted her with something, causing her to shake her head and look up, "AH- I'M- awake-" She shouted, quieting her tone when she noticed everyone.

"Heheh-" Miko chuckled, trying to avoid eye contact, not liking everyones eyes on her.

Phil stepped in, "Alright! We have one more stop, come on, let's go." Ushering everyone to the next room while he stayed behind at Miko's side.

"Hey kid, you okay?"

"Yeah- sorry- I uhm sorta space out time to time-.. heh- for a long time.." She immediately paused, "You don't think this is because I'm a glitch do you!?"

"Miko calm down, we don't know. It could be. We've never encountered a human glitch before. I don't even think ever in Hinobi's history was there a human glitch like you, but that's okay. It's okay, you're going to be okay. When we get back to the store, then I'll tell you more on what's going to happen. Alright? Now go along with the others."

She nodded her head, "Alright-" and ran up towards the others.

Phil watched her go and sigh. He didn't even trust his own judgement on this. This was such a serious case, a serious new never heard before case. Nothing like this in the database, meaning they would have to figure everything out as they'd go along. Miko would have to have daily trips here so Furheal could check up on her and run the tests he needs, once every week. He needs to plan that with her, there's so much that has to be done now. Phil sighed, looking over at Furheal still noting Miko's reaction to what she was blasted with. He'll also have to keep this a secret from the other employees to make sure they don't panic, working with a glitch and having a glitch in the building, or even discriminating against her, being hurtful because of it. He didn't want that, it would make her feel worse than she already did about being a glitch, which means he has to prevent it at all costs. If Mitch found out too, he would never let it down. He would always bring it up to Miko. Phil did not need that, again he sighed, watching all the kids exiting the room, chatting, Miko staying back with Five.

"Come on, let's head back to our store, you can conversate on the bus. Hurry up, let's go." Phil said as everyone left the HQ.

They all got loaded onto the bus, Miko asked Phil to sit in the back with her though, just in case. If she was being honest, she felt safest with Phil because of what he said to her, that he won't do anything to her, he'll make sure she's safe and knows she's a glitch. The bus ride was slow without sleeping, Miko felt like she was trapped there forever with her secret. Her store slowly came into sight as she breathed a breath of relief. Everyone walked off, Miko being the last too. Phil ushered everyone away as he brought her into his office and sat her down.

"Alright- so, Miko. Right now, what's going to happen, is you're going to need to take weekly trips to the HQ to see Furheal. We've planned every Thursday you'd go, just for some tests to see how you're doing every week, I'll cover for you, so don't worry about that."

"I understand, thank you, this is fucking scary. I mean it, VERY FUCKING SCARY."

"Of course, now go on, there's a mission you need to do with Five." Phil gave her a smile, as she smiled back with her game face, suiting up and running out to meet with Five.

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