Lightcatcher believes the gullible

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Lightcatcher was excited. Her first week at Jade Mountain had been awesome! She met that funny hybrid names Peacemaker, that sulking Skywing named Spitfire, and that grumpy Icewing from her winglet! Her mother was right! 

But Lightcatcher's day was ruined when Hyena came running up to her with a horrible looked on his face. "Whoa, Hyena, are you okay?" The edges of her hybrid ruff turned dark green.

Hyena gasped, breathing in some more air. "No time to explian!!

Lightcatcher watched him barrel over some more dragons on his way out. Lightcatcher frowned, then shrugged. If it was important, he would've said something, right? Lightcatcher knew that the Sandwing Prince was smart, so he probably had a good reason for not telling her.

Lightcatcher continued her skipping down the hallway, to find Spitfire. "SPITFIRE!" She sang down the hallway. A groan erupted from Spitfire's cave.

"Who is it?" Asked a voice from the cave. Spitfire's head poked out of the cave. "It's Lightcatcher," he said. Cyclone's voice groaned, and then Lightcatcher heard him roll over and go to back to sleep.

"Hey Lightcatcher," Spitfire said, rubbing his eyes. Lightcatcher barreled him over, into the cave, and pinned him down. Cyclone snorted, but didn't awaken.

"Spitfire, I think something's wrong with Hyena. He knocked me over, and said he couldn't explain."

Spitfire rolled his eyes. "Hyena probably wants to swap rooms or something. Why are you telling me this?"

Lightcatcher's face fell. Then, her face moved to frustration. The edges of her scales started turning red.

"Spitfire, what if something is really wrong? Come on, let's go spy on them."

Spitfire collapsed on his moss bed. "Fine. YOU can go spy on Hyena and whoever. I will stay here and sleep until breakfest." Spitfire rolled over.

Lightcatcher made a 'hmph' sound, and stomped out. Fine, I'll figure this out BY MYSELF

Lightcatcher slowly made her way towards the principal's office, where Sunny was talking with Clay, Fatespeaker, Starflight, and Tsunami.

"He's Back!??!" Starflight's nervous voice shouted, "he can't be back!"

"Glory didn't believe it either, but some dragonets swore they saw him," Tsunami's voice was full of panic covered with calmness.


Fatespeaker was calming Starflight down.

Who's back? Why Is he so bad? Lightcatcher had a million questions.

Then, a talon clamped over her mouth, and she couldn't even yell.

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