Chapter 1

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"I don't understand why we have to move." I grumble to my mom.

"I have already told you, I got a job there." She pointedly answers me back.

"But all the way across the country? I mean we live in Seattle and we are moving to Florida."

"Lacey, we need to get away from this town to many bad things have happened here. It's too much for both of us. You can make friends and start over in Florida, and so can I."

I know why she means by starting over. She's right too many bad things have happened here. My dad got murdered here, and my best friend Rebecca went missing all in the same year. I do need to get away, even after 2 years I still feel the pain when ever I pass a place that holds a memory with either of them. It's too much.

"Last box." My mom's voice brings me back to the now. "Did you finish packing your room?"

"Yeah I just have to pack my blankets and stuff, then i will be all packed. What time are we leaving again?"

"Hour and a half. So, I'll start putting these boxes in the car and you go pack the rest of your things and then come down and help me."

I give her a quick nod and turn to run up the stairs. As I push the door to my room open I sadly remember that this will be the last time I am in this room. I guess it's for the best, this room holds to many memories of Rebecca.

I walk over to my bed and quickly rip the sheets off and shove them in a box. I don't even bother folding them. I usually wouldn't just shove them in to the box without folding them, but now that I think of it I'm in a hurry to get out of here. I bend over to grab the box and make my way downstairs.


Four hours later we are on the plane heading East to Florida. This is going to be boring, a ten hour flight. What on earth am I going to do for ten hours? Sleep? I doubt that will be happening with the old man behind me snoring his head off. Can he shut up already?

After 10 minutes of throwing peices of broken eraser at the snoring man I give up. I pull out my laptop and start it up, only to have the flight attendant ask me to put it away. JEEZ! What do they expect people to do on this plane? I look over at my mom to find her sleeping. At least one of us could sleep. I guess I'll just read. I pull out my copy of Percy Jackson and the Lighting Theif and start reading. Before I know it I'm on the last word. I love reading, it my escape from the outside world. I pull out my phone to check the time 2:30 am. Five more hours to go. As I put my phone away I realize the man stopped snoring. I lay my head back and hope that sleep comes to me.


"Wake up." My mom is shaking my shoulder.

"No." I moan

"Lacey wake up, were here."

Opening my eyes I see people getting off the plane so I get up and follow my mom outside. The sun momentarily blinds me. When I regain my focus we walk through the airport and out to our car.

When we arrive at our new house we carry in the boxes that we brought with us. Thankfully the rest of our boxes got u hulled. So now we un-pack.

I'm thankful when I find my bedroom has a balcony overlooking the ocean. After admiring the view I get to work un-packing my bedroom. The posters are first to go up. I smile as I look at the last one with music notes raining from the sky and the words "music is my escape" echo aside from reading it is. Next to go is my clothes, blankets, radio system, and a bunch of other random doo-dads. Now To start on my bathroom. I have always wanted a private bathroom, and now I have one!

After I finish the bathroom I head downstairs to help with the kitchen.

"Lacey why don't you go to sleep, after all you do have school tomorrow." My mom reminds me while I am pulling the toaster out of a box.

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight sweetie, love you."

"Love you too."

After brushing my teeth I climb into bed and drift off to sleep.

(A/N. Sorry if this chapter wasn't that good. It will get better, I promise! I mean you can't really make a 10 hour flight and un-packing fun, right? Oh well anyway love you guys!)

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