Chapter 2

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I wake to the beeping of my alarm clock.  Uhgg 6:15. I hate getting up this early, but whatever.  I sleepily walk into my bathroom and hope in the shower. As I scrub the shampoo into my scalp I think of my new school and what it's going to be like. Well, this is Florida so I'm guessing everybody is going to be tan. Unlike me.  I have pale, creamy skin, at least that's what boys used to tell me.

Washing my body I continue on my train of thought. I have zero doubt that some of the girls will be snobby. There will probably be a lot of football players.  I never got why girls were so attracted to football players, I mean come on! They never really have time for you because they are always training or something like that.

Quickly I turn off the water, hop out and grab a towel. After drying myself off, I pull on black panties and a black bra. When I'm done  getting dressed in skinny jeans and a Batman logo tee, I throw on my black converse and head back to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I see hazel eyes staring back at me. Hopefully I'm not that different from other kids at the school, because I don't really want to stand out on my first day. While  brushing the knots from my hair I grab my tan over the shoulder messanger bag and go downstairs.

"Got everything?" My mom yells from the living room.

"Yes mom. I'm taking the car if that's fine."

"Go ahead, but after school we need to go shoping."

" Okay see you later."

Once I get five minutes from the house I realize I have No idea how to get there. So I type Keywest High School into the GPS, and 6 minutes later I'm there . Pulling the keys from the ignition I make my way to the building.  On my way to the administration building I survey my surroundings. Yup, there is a lot of tan teens, and here I am all pale skin.  Most

Of the girls are dressed so slutty that their private parts are more like public parts. Doesn't this school have a dress code? I hope not because some of my shirts don't have school appropriate language. 

After walking what seems likes a mile I arrive at my destination.  Jeez, this school is huge. You could lose an elephant in here.

Walking in I see  two boys sitting in chairs with blood and scrapes on their face's and knuckle's. I assume they got into a fight, or stuffed their faces through a paper shredder.

One of them turns to look at me and his eyes widen. Oh my, he has beautiful eyes. They're icy blue with a bit of grey in them. He smiles a warm smile at me "Hi, are you  new here?"

" Umm yeah, todays my first day."

"Well I could show you around later if you'd like? That is if I don't get suspended."

"Uh that's Okay, Ill be fine. Thank you though." I smile back at him.

"No really it's fine, I have nothing else to do later and I would really..."

"Mr. Wheeler, stop talking!" the secretary yells at him from across her desk. "Can I help you dear?" She is looking at me now.

"Yes I need my schedule."

"What's your name?"

"Lacey Blackburn."

" Ahh yes here it is. 11th grade right?"


"Okay here you go." She prints out the sheet and hands it to me.

As I walk out the boy's gaze follows me. I swear I seen him smile before I walked out the door. Oh well, off to-I look down at the sheet in my hands- geometry. Ugh, I HATE geometry.

I sit in the only empty seat. It's at the back of the room next to a boy with ear length black hair.

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" I ask him.

"No it's fine. Besides where else would you sit? It's the only empty seat."

I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

" Anyway,  what's your name?"

"Lacey, and yours is?"

" I'm Luke."

" Well it's nice to meet you, I guess."

"You guess,  as in your not completely sure?"

I role my eyes.

"You certainly do that a lot, don't you?" He chuckles.

I role my eyes again, just to prove a point. Laughing he rolls his eyes back at me. I burst into a fit of laughter, and he does the same. "Is there something you two would like to share?" The teacher interupts our laughing fest.

"Umm, no Mr. Fletcher."

"Okay then pay attention."

Luke is smirking at me, so I roll my eyes at him. Wich makes him snicker and look away.


After six more hours of torture, School is finally over, and now I can go home. Luke made school fun though. Thankfully he has every class but one with me. While I'm shoving books into my locker, somebody walks up behind me. I grab my my bag, shut my locker and turn to find none other than the blue eyed God. Did I just call him a God? What is wrong with me?

"How about that tour?"

"Schools over." I remind him.

"Exactly, No one is here to get in the way."

" I can't. I have to go to the store with my mom."

"Come on, it will only take 20 minutes."

"Fine." I give in.

We start, walking down the hallway towards the...actually I have No idea what we are walking towards. Here nudges me with his shoulder "so what's your favorite color?"

" I thought this was a tour?"

"It is but that doesn't mean I can't get to know you too. So what is it."

"Blue." I mumble

"Mine too, see we already have something in common." He smiles "when is your birthday?"

"Why are you asking me all these questions?"

"I want to get to know you. So far I know two things."

"And what are they?"

"That your favorite color is blue, and that your beautiful." He looks down at me.

Ha, me beautiful! I mean I'm sorta attractive but I'm far from beautiful. Is this guy blind? But, there is no point in arguing with a complete stranger. I don't even know his name.

"My birthday is March 1st. Now, I have a question for you."

"Oh, yeah? What?"

"What's your name?"


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