Chapter 5

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I wake up before my alarm goes off. I sleepily throw the covers off of me and get out of bed. Climbing in the shower I think about Mason and that God damn kiss. I wonder what things will be like at school today. Did he break up with Sarah? I guess I'll just find out at school.  I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my wet body. Opening my dresser I pull out a bra and panties, skinny jeans,  and a plain blue tee. I quickly get dressed and go back to the bathroom to do my makeup. I grab my eyeliner and do a quick line over with eyes. I add a few swipes of mascara, brush my hair and head downstairs. My mom isn't awake when I vet downstairs. I head to the kitchen grab a bagel and my keys and head out the door. The drive to school is quick,  as it only took 5 minutes. I hesitate in front of the building door. I just don't know what I'm going to face today. Taking a deep breath I push the door open and walk inside. It's cooler in here than it is outside, that means they finally turned on the air conditioning.  I see Mason leaning against the lockers with his arm around Sarah and talking to his friends. He looks at me and quickly looks away. Ha! I knew this would happen. What the hell was I thinking?  He would never leave her for me. She is beautiful and I am me. I roll my eyes in there direction and walk quickly past them. I take my seat next to Luke. "Hey." I smile at him. "Hey what's up?" He smiles back. I feel so relaxed around him. "Nothing you know we should hang out later, wanna go to the mall after school?" I need to go to the store anyway and buy some shorts, if it's going to be this hot here. His face breaks into a huge grin.

"Yeah, sure I'll pick you up after school." Geometry flies by and me and Luke make our way down the hallway. I see Mason at his normal spot against the lockers whispering something in Sarah's ear. "So what time are you picking me up tonight." I ask Luke loud enough for Mason to hear me. "I'll be there around 5." He answers me back. I see Mason look at me his face angry and I ignore him. After lunch I have to go to biology, the one class I have that I don't have with Luke, and the only class I have with Mason. I walk in and take a seat in the back. I'm happy that this class doesn't have assigned seats. I start doodling in my notebook when I hear someone sit down in the seat next to me. I look up and see Mason sitting next to me. I roll my eyes and focus back  on my doodles. Why did he have to sit by me out of all places. "Lacey?" He whispers.  I ignore him. "Lacey." He says louder this time. I ignore him again and thankfully he doesn't try to talk to me for the rest of the class. When the bell rings I quickly grab my bag and walk out of the classroom and out of the building.  I sing along to ice ice baby on the car ride home and think about what I'm going to buy at the mall. I need shorts and tanktops. I'll buy more bras and panties as well. I'll probably end up buying some other things that I won't need too.  I'm thankful that no one is home. I turn on the T.v and wait for Luke to show up. About 20 minutes later I hear a horn honk and turn the t.v off and run outside.

Thankfully the mall isn't too crowded.  Me and Luke drift our seperate ways and I head to Victoria's Secret. I know we came here to hang out but I'm not going to drag him to a langerie store with me. I get 5 new sets of under garmets and head to the register to pay.  After I'm done in Victoria's secret I head for American Eagle to but my shorts and tanktops.  I buy 10 different types of Jean shorts all stopping mid thigh, and get 13 different colored tanktops.  That should be enough. I better go find Luke. I walk out of American Eagle and as I turn a corner I run right into someone sending us both falling to the floor. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I apologize. "It's fine, No big deal." She gets up  and holds her hand out to me. I grab it and pull myself off the ground. She's pretty, she has dark skin and glasses. Her clothing style is simple with skinny jeans,  combat boots, and a simple T-shirt. "I'm Vanessa by way." She smiles. "I'm Lacey." I give her a smile back. "What store were you headed for?"

"Actually I was going to find my friend Luke, wanna join me?"

"Sure! I actually came here with my friend Seirra and I have to find her too." She rolls her eyes and I laugh. "Friends, they're so annoying." I tease and she laughs with me.

"So what school do you go too?" She asks as were walking down the long row of stores. "Keywest." Her eyes light up. "Really! Me and Seirra for there too. Why haven't I seen you around?" Its probably because I haven't been socializing. "It's probably because I... " I am cut off as we turn a corner and I see Luke leaning against the wall  kissing a girl who has her legs wrapped around his waist. "What in the blue hell! Get it, Seirra!" Vanessa screams next to me. Luke and Seirra break apart embarrass. Vanessa and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

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