F/S ~ Soft Babys

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If you had one word to describe Draco Malfoy, just one, what would that word be?

If you had one word to describe Harry Potter, just one, what would that word be?

Blonde? Brunette?

Handsome? Adorable?

Pale? Tan?

What about soft?

Yes soft. That four letter word described Draco Malfoy perfectly and that little word was practically made for Harry Potter himself.

And if you had one word to describe them together than it would have to be the 'Softest Couple Ever'. Even if that wasn't one word, that's what they were.

Draco Lucius Malfoy was an adorable blonde devil standing at the height of about 5'4 with piercing grey eyes. Much shorter than most of the peers he attended school with. His face was blown up with chubby cheeks leftover from his baby fat and his mouth was the softest pink that turned a striking red when he bit or furiously played with. He often swaddled his short lean frame in bulky sweatshirts belonging to his boyfriend where the sleeves hung past his hands in an adorable manner.

Harry Potter was a cute little bean standing at about 5'2 with blinding green eyes that floated with hints of yellow and blue, like they couldn't settle on one shade of green so they had to be multiple. He wasn't as tall as his boyfriend, and definitely not as tall as most of the people he went to school with, but he was broader. He was hard muscle, sharp lines, and an adorable mess of fluffy black curls spiraling around his face. His nose curled upward in a perfect little button slope and his mouth was always curved in a smile especially when his other half was attached to his side.

It was a regular day at Hogwarts High. As usual, little Draco was a ball of energy bouncing his eighteen year old self in the back seat of Blaise Zabini's car while Pansy took up the passenger seat. Draco's best friend was dark skinned, thick muscled, and standing at a towering 6'3 nearly a foot taller than him. But Draco didn't mind. He and his other best friend Pansy, a 5'8 brown bobbed feisty girl, made sure that no harm or insult ever came to their little Draco.

"Excited to see your boyyyfrieeeend?" Pansy teased already knowing the answer.

Draco's eyes crinkled as his face turn a soft shade of pink and his tucked his lip between those white teeth. "It's our three years anniversary today," he stated proudly remembering that day sophomore year when Harry had appeared at his locker with a bouquet of white roses after Draco had finished studying in the library and asked him to be his boyfriend.

They both blushed the softest shades of pink as their friends observed them share a cute little kiss in the middle of the empty hallway (empty besides the pairs of peeking eyes from a nearby janitor's closet).

"What did you get him Dray?" Blaise questioned as him turned into the parking lot. Draco recognized the white car they parked next to and saw the rest of their friends already standing by it and waiting for them.

"Hurry, Blaise, hurry!" Draco said kicking his feet out knocking them against Pansy's seat. The two in the front laughed at his eagerness and as soon as the car was parked and unlocked, Draco was rushing into the outstretched arms of his shorter boyfriend. They collided and Harry spun the blonde around as their friends laughed and observed taking discreet pictures of the happy couple.

"Happy anniversary baby," Draco said as he was still in the air looking down into those green eyes which were more tinted yellow today. Draco's hands were covered by his boyfriends white sweatshirt and his exposed finger tips caressed Harry's cheekbones. Draco kept Harry's head in place and pressed a light minty kiss to those familiar lips.

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