50 Boys Names Inspired by Historical Figures

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1} Elvis - Elvis Presley; King of rock n roll ✰

2} Nelson - Nelson Mandela; Civil rights activist and first president of South Africa

3} Winston - Winston Churchill; British prime minister during the second world war

4} Neil - Neil Armstrong; First man on the moon

5} Galileo - Galileo Galleli; Italian scientist aiding in the development of the science of kinetics and materials

6} Edward - Edward Jenner; Creator of the smallpox vaccine

7} Charles - Charles Babbage; Considered the 'father of computers'

8} Darwin - Charle Darwin; Developer of the theory of evolution and natural selection

9} Sigmund - Sigmund Freud; The father of psychology ✰

10} Mel - Mel Blanc; Voice actor of various Looney Toons characters including the original voice of Bugs bunny

11} Capone - Al Capone; One of the most notorious gangsters ✰

12} John - John Lennon; Member of The Beatles and activist ✰

13} Wolfgang - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Classical composer 

14} Pablo - Pablo Picasso; Spanish artist and peace acitivist

15} Ts'ai - Ts'ai Lun; Inventor of paper

16} Marco - Marco Polo; European explorer who documented a 24 year voyage to Asia 

17} Julius - Julius Ceaser; Roman emporer 

18} Mahatma - Mahatma Gandhi; Peace activist

19} Issac - Issac Newton; Discoverer of gravity

20} Rasputin - Rasputin; Advisor to the Romanov family and pretty damn hard to kill

21} Christopher - Christopher Lee; Spy which James Bond was based on

22} Freddie - Freddie Mercury; Musician and icon ✰

23} George - George Floyd; An innocent black man killed by racist cops

24} Léo - Léo Major; First Canadian to win a Distinguished Conduct Medal

25} Augustus - Augustus Ceaser; First emperor of Rome

26} Karl - Karl Marx; Inventor of Communism, philosopher

27} Ludwig - Ludwig Van Beethoven; Classical Composer ✰

28} William - William Shakespeare; Poet

29} Walt - Walt Disney; Cartoonist

30} Alfred - Alfred Hitchcock; Horror writer and director

31} Dante - Dante Alighieri; Author of The Devine Commedy ✰

32} John - John Pemberton; Inventor of Coca Cola

33} Steve - Steve Irwin; Australian wildlife expert

34} Lionel - Lionel Messi; Argentinian soccer player

35} H.P - H.P Lovecraft; Revolutionary horror author

36} Tiger - Tiger Woods; Golfer

37} King - Steven King; Horror author

38} David - David Bowie; British musician and icon

39} Homer - Greek poet and philisopher

40} Babe - Babe Ruth; American soccer player

41} Wallace - William Wallace; Scottish rebel 

42} Ernest - Ernest Hemmingway; American author

43} Martin - Martin Leuther King Jr. - Civil rights activist 

44} Napoleon -Napoleon Bonaparte; French revolutionist

45} Travolta - John Travolta

46} Andy - Andy Warhol - Artist

47} Prince - Prince; Rock musician 

48} Edgar - Edgar Allen Poe; Author

49} Aristotle - Aristotle; Philosopher 

50} Sinatra - Frank Sinatra; Spy and musician 

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