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"I believe I am here for the same reason you are." Andromeda announced.

"What- what do you mean?" Hermione stuttered.

"My sister— the one that is still alive was a Death Eater by association." Andromeda explained.

Hermione gasped, turning back to Kingsley. "You would send her to Azkaban for two years even though she is the reason Harry is still alive?" Hermione was aghast.

Kingsley glanced behind Hermione for a moment, hesitating. "Yes, Narcissa Malfoy-"

"Black." Draco growled, speaking for the first time since he stood outside McGonagall's office.

"Pardon?" Kingsley asked eyes settling on the blonde, Hermione did a half turn to see Malfoy out of the corner of her eye.

His eyes were set on the desk in front of Kingsley but they glinted in both malice and hatred.

"Her name is Narcissa Black, she divorced my father and took back her Maiden name in June." Malfoys silver eyes hardened.

"I was unaware," Kingsley clicked his tongue. "However that does not change the fact that she was a Death Eater and—"

"Oh for fucks sake." Hermione interrupted, her language earning her a raised eyebrow from Kingsley. "If she wasn't a Death Eater then Harry would be dead. The war would have still led to Harry's death— if she hadn't been a Death Eater in the Forbidden Forest someone else would have checked his pulse, and Harry really would have been dead." Hermione took a harsh breath. "If not for Narcissa Black we would have lost the war."

Hermione then gestured behind herself. "Not to mention Draco gave Harry his wand, if you don't already know— or don't fucking remember Harry used that wand for the majority of his final battle with Voldemort."

"Also Not to mention we were all fucking children, all of the real criminals are in Azkaban already!" Hermione continued. "Most of the people you seem to want to be thrown in Azkaban don't even have the dark mark. Who is it going to help if you put Narcissa Black, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Adrain Pucey, Daphne Greengrass, and Draco Malfoy into Azkaban? People will just hate them more then they already do."

"Mr. Malfoy has the dark mark Hermione." Kingsley corrected in a scolding tone.

"You got to be fucking kidding me?!" Hermione bellowed. "I know he has a bloody dark mark—let's take you back in time to when you were sixteen, threaten your life, your family's lives, and your best friends' lives and see if you won't join a sadistic madman who's morals aline with what you have been taught your whole life."

"If I remember correctly you had already fought parts Voldemort at his age." Kingsley prodded.

"Yes, because almost dying every year since I was eleven was a real hoot." Hermione spat sarcastically. "You know in first year when Harry, Ron and I almost got killed by tasks made to stop Voldemort or second year when I was petrified for nearly two months or-"

"It was Lucius Malfoy who was the reason Ginerva Weasley let out a part of Voldemort's sole, wasn't it?" Kingsley retorted condescendingly.

"So you are judging people on who their parents are now?" Hermione laughed out of pure shock. "It never mattered in Sirius Black's case, even when he was wanted for murder you still aided him without a question."

"I think the circumstances were a little—"

"Don't say there were different." Hermione waved him off. "You were just in the Order you had no authority but because Remus vogued for Sirius you didn't give a shit what he had done, or what he had been believed to have done. You are just a hypocrite— in fact pushing this bullshit decree through would make you one of the biggest idiotic hypocrites in history."

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