Chapter 3: Broken Promises

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        "So, you're saying that they took Christiana and Raven's powers, and what?" Charles asked, trying to make sense of things.  The whiskey he poured into his glass wasn't helping him as much as he liked to pretend that it was.  He stood behind the desk, while Logan sat in the chair in front of it, Hank sitting in the other chair while Christiana stood between them.  Charles turned around.  "They weaponized them?"

        "Yep," Logan said.

        Charles looked from Logan to Christiana, and he smiled at her, but there was no happiness in his eyes.  "Fine.  But even if Christiana doesn't go, that would still present a problem."

        "Because Raven is still going to assassinate Trask, one way or another," Logan confirmed.  "It's written almost permanently in her timeline that Trask would be her first kill.  The first life she ever takes."

        "And it won't be her last, if she does it," Christiana murmured, meeting Charles's cold blue eyes.  "So stop trying to pin this on me, Charles."  She knew that he was already blaming her, as much as this entire situation confused him because he wasn't sure if he wanted to believe them or not.  He scowled and looked away from her; these days, it seemed Charles hated when she read him so easily.

        Logan continued while Charles moved out from behind the desk to walk over to the couch, sitting himself down.  "In the beginning, the Sentinels were just targeting mutants.  Then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants who would eventually have mutant children and grandchildren.  Many of the humans tried to help us, but it was a slaughter.  Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge."  He looked directly at Charles, who continued to slouch and drink the whiskey from his glass.  "I've been in a lot of wars," he said in a low voice.  "I'd never seen anything like this. Even if they only have Raven's DNA, the Sentinels will still be created with the power to change their exteriors to protect themselves against mutants. They'll still kill at will."

        Charles sighed heavily and leaned further back into the couch cushions.  "Look, let's just say that for the sake of . . ." He paused and closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to find the right words.  ". . . the sake, that I choose to believe you, that I choose to help you.  Raven won't listen to me."  He opened his eyes and looked at Logan.  Again, he smiled with sadness in his eyes.  Another sigh, and his smile fell once he looked away.  "No, her heart and soul belong to someone else, now."

        "I know," Logan answered, and he moved to stand up.  "That's why we're going to need Magneto, too."

        "Erik?" Hank and Christiana both asked at the same time.  That was a detail Christiana must have overlooked in his plans.  Charles could only laugh bitterly.  Hank pushed his glasses up, eyeing Logan cautiously. "You do know where he is?"

        Logan nodded.  "Yeah, I do."

        Charles only laughed harder as he stood up from the couch.  From there, he made his way towards the door, glancing back at Logan.  Just as before, he stopped laughing and his smile fell, his eyes appearing cold as ice.  "He's where he belongs,"  he spat before continuing out the door.  

        "That's it, you're just gonna walk out?" Logan asked incredulously.  Christiana crossed her arms and leaned back against the desk. She knew this wouldn't be easy.

        Charles turned around but continued walking backwards towards the stairs.  "Ooh, top marks!  Like I said, you are perceptive."

        "The Professor I know would never turn his back on someone who'd lost their path," Logan pleaded, but Charles only turned his back on him and lifted his glass to finish off his glass. It wasn't until he actually reached the stairs that Logan added,  "Especially someone he loved."

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