Chapter 1

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Codie's POV

Why?!?! Why does this only happen to me?!?!

I wake up to find that my alarm clock had been unplugged and my phone dead. "Ugggg" I scream and plug in my phone. I run out of my room and look at the living room clock

" Crap! Already 8:00!?!" School starts at 8:30. I quickly smooth out my long blonde hair and decide to keep it down since it was already straight from the day before.

Because my face is clear with occasional red patches, I only put on some lotion, concealer, and dark mascara, to frame my blue/grey eyes. "Hmm, I look good!" I point my fingers towards the mirror of my bathroom at my reflection as if saying, " Hey sexy, what's up?"

I go to my closet to pick out a pair of dark skinny jeans that make my butt look good, a school soccer t- shirt and a pair of combat boots.

Ahh yes, the typical 16 year old outfit ( at least in my opinion). I brush my teeth and head out the door way.
*Drives to school*

I get out of my 2001 Jeep Wrangler and lock the doors. Then I see him.

He walks so effortlessly in to the front doors of our high school. His dirty blonde fohawk just there, all pointed and trim. I can see his bright blue eyes from a mile away. Just sparkling.

"Ethan..." I whisper to myself and start to smile. Ethan is such a handsome name for a very handsom guy

While thinking of , I don't realize I'm standing in the cross walk and several cars are honking at me. I drop my books, startled.

I begin to shake and bend down to pick all of them up. I get nervous when people have to wait for me. You know? Like that high you get when you are trying to pay for something and there is this huge line after you but you can't get your wallet open?

I gather my books quickly when Delilah catches up to me.

" Hey Queff " She yells out to me.

"Oh my gosh DUDE!!! SHHHHH" I say to her.

" Oh come on, if I was a lesbian I totally try to get with you! To bad neither of us are about that life!" She exclaims

" Wait till I let your boyfriend know that you are cheating on him with me!"

Jake and Delilah have been dating since 8th grade. I hated the relationship back then, because they were together 24/7. But since then, they have chilled out and still "love" each other.

" Oh he's very understanding," she said with a wink.

We walk inside and up the stair case, towards our lockers. We talk about the song she heard on the alternative rock station she loves. This time, they played 21 guns  by (her favorite band,) Green Day. It's weird, you wouldn't expect and skinny little white girl with bright blonde hair to be in love with a punk rock band.

Delilah says goodbye so she can get to her locker. As I stand there opening the locker, I try not to make eye contact with Ethan. Of course the one, and only boy I like is the locker right next to mine!

I glance over and he sees me. He smiles. Oh that smile could melt me. I quickly go back to opening my lock.

" Hi," he said with his deep, smooth voice.

I crack a smile and begin to blush
Oh crap
Stop blushing, you fool!!!

A giggle pops out of me
Oh no

" Hi," I finally say. As I open the locker. A book falls out.

It's my sloppy copy of The Hunger Games. I keep it in here just in case I need a book to read. Its also the only copy I let other people borrow. That is why it is broken and bent. What kind of animals do that to such a beautiful book?!?

Ethan bends down and picks it up.

" Ahhh 'The Hunger Games' . I love this book" He says with a great white smile

Did he just say he loved it? Holy crap, you are gorgeous and like to read!!!

" Ya its one of my favorites too" I smile and take the book that he offers, back from him.

The bell rings.

" Oh gotta run, later Codie!"
Oh snap!!!  I have to tell my friends!!!

I quickly walk down the hall into my Pre- Ap Geomotry class with a stupid grin from ear to ear.

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