1-First Encounter

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Summary: Yachi had been looking forward to the training camp at Nekoma where she can become a better manager for Karasuno and bond with her team. But her excitement had vanished when she beheld a tall, lean muscled man approach her. With her heart pounding from his menacing looks and cat-like eyes, what will happen to Yachi now?!

Gazing through the bus window at the passing buildings that towered like spires in the sky, hearing the car horns that roared their annoyance, and feeling the rising sun warm her face, Yachi was finally in Tokyo.

Yachi had been looking forward to the training camp ever since it was announced last week. It was her first time going to Tokyo; her first time going anywhere outside of Tohoku's countryside. Needless to say, she was beyond excited.

Not only would she be able to enhance her managerial skills, but she would also have the chance of growing closer to the team and learning more about volleyball, a feat that would take more than just simply reading about it in her volleyball books and magazines.

When she decided to become Karasuno's upcoming manager, Yachi told herself she would not fail. She took it upon herself to watch intently, ask questions when she didn't understand a play or specific terminology, and study volleyball whenever she could.

The boys were giving this their all, so why should Yachi be any different? Watching them practice until their knees wobbled and seeing them grow as players inspired Yachi to also try her hardest. And the Nekoma training camp would be the perfect place for not only the boys to enhance their skills and plays, but also for Yachi to support them as a manager.

But the excitement that had been building up, the giddiness she had felt for the past week was short lived. It was immediately squashed when she entered the Nekoma gymnasium—a vast expanse of three courts and high glass windows that let in the summer sun—and was instantly surrounded by tall, muscular men who looked as if they could squash her.

Yachi's stomach turned and she tried to hold back her nausea as Hinata's gasp of excitement sounded behind her and Kageyama's instant assessment of the players whizzed past her ear.

At least the boys are looking forward to this, she thought with a mild smile. Then she shook herself, slapping her face gently. Even if Yachi did feel slightly uncomfortable being surrounded by intimidating men, this week was dedicated for the team. Yachi couldn't be selfish about how she was feeling; she'd take this as an opportunity to grow out of her shell, if such a thing was possible.

It seemed a difficult task, especially when the men didn't look all that inviting and nice. They were as tall as the Tokyo buildings and built as sturdy as their foundations. Maybe they weren't all that bad; she had thought the same thing about Asahi when first joining the team, yet he turned out to be a sweet and gentle giant. So she would try, she thought with a rare burst of self motivation. She had to; for Karasuno. For herself.

She stepped forward, further into the gym and all previous positivity had vanished when a particularly tall, dark haired man who wore red shorts and a black shirt with a blue vest that had the number "1" printed on the front, came up to them. The captain then, Yachi thought with a slight tremor. And by the fact he was welcoming them in the gym must mean he was Nekoma's Captain.

What was his name again? Yachi had been briefed by Kiyoko about the captain's of each school, but it had been late after practice last night, so Yachi ultimately forgot.

His body was lean, but his shoulders were broad and corded muscles decorated his tanned skin. His cat-like hazel eyes were narrowed, extremely fitting for being on the Nekoma team, but they only intimidated Yachi. Perhaps the one thing she didn't find alarming of the man was his natural and ruffled case of bed head. It made him seem more... normal . Less frightening.

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