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Summary: As Kuroo and Yachi have started to get to know each other, they try to understand the feelings that are materializing within them. Is it simply friendship? Or is it something more?

The alarm went off at 6:00 and Kuroo slapped the pillow over his ears, burying his face in it so he could sleep just five more minutes. The alarm's sound was muffled by the pillow, a blissful second sleep calling to him before he felt someone's foot nudge at his side.

It was Kenma's balmy voice who said, "Get up."

Kuroo tossed and turned away from Kenma's prodding, hoping to get a minute more of rest. Hoping to delve into a dreamscape where he would find a small, blonde haired girl waiting for him.

It was impossible: both sleeping in and the dream that would perhaps someday become reality-if Kuroo ever mustered up his courage to face his feelings head on.

He sprang up. The thought of what facing his feelings meant made his hands reach for his phone-wondering if she had messaged him.

She hadn't.

His phone was void of messages, except ones from Bokuto who wouldn't stop pestering him about Yachi. He pointedly ignored all texts, and when asked about it in person, Kuroo evaded the questions with ease. It wasn't hard to distract Bokuto-a man who loved barbecued meat- with conversations about the barbecue that was happening tomorrow. But he knew he'd have to eventually answer his friend's questions; that he could only avoid it for so long.

Kuroo sighed, deep and long, before he thought abruptly, she could already be at the gym . Managers had to be up earlier to set up the nets and water stations, so maybe-

Kuroo practically jumped out of bed, hurriedly putting on his red shorts and black shirt. Kenma stared at him with quiet curiosity to which Kuroo didn't notice as he ran to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he clamored back into the room, his teammates staring at him with blatant confusion and surprise, Kuroo bent down to grab a banana from his bag.

He made his voice steady and tranquil as he peeled the banana. "The first step of winning is to wake up early, right?"

Yaku stared at him with a blank expression. "You hate waking up early."

Kuroo shrugged, halfway out the door with a banana stuffed in his mouth. "If you're late, I'll make you do 100 crunches before practice."

When he closed the door, already sprinting for the gym, he had heard his team rustling and grunting, trying to get to the gym as quickly as possible. Kuroo smiled around his banana. He wouldn't actually make them do the crunches. He just didn't want to seem too obvious to see Yachi when he arrived at the gym without his team behind him.

He was at the entrance of the gym at twenty after 6, the squeaking of rubber soles and the harsh sound of volleyballs being hit were like a morning anthem. Walking through the threshold, Kuroo spied Uguwara and-much to his pleasure-Karasuno already warming up, the former running laps and the latter exercising their receives.

When he saw Yachi, her hair in its usual half-up style, filling up water bottles, her back to him, Kuroo smirked. He would try not to scare her as badly as last night, but a little surprise encounter never hurt anyone, right?

Kuroo approached from behind, the upcoming manager too involved with her job to notice his presence.

"Yo." Kuroo said from behind her shoulder.

Yachi jumped, straightening her shoulders with a squeak. The water bottle she held nearly dropped from her surprise.

Kuroo tried to hold back his smile by biting his lips. Teasing her, he had decided, was now one of his new favorite pastimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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