Dishes (Newt)

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Frypan had always worked so hard for us in the kitchens, so today I had offered my help.

This had unfortunately got me on dish duty. Which is how I ended up in the kitchen, alone, whilst watching the Gladers dance around a bonfire.
I didn't regret my decision, I had wanted Fry to have fun for once.
My thoughts wander to Newt. The boys image would always find a way into my head. I had a small crush on him, I guess. I could never tell him this though, I didn't want to risk losing our friendship. I had always loved talking to him, since the moment I came up in the box all those months ago. We chatted while we worked in the gardens, never really running out of words. I felt a familiarity around him, as if I'd known him my whole life.

My thoughts were suddenly disrupted by the feel of arms slipping around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder.

"It's rude to stare, Love." I could hear the familiar accent.

"I wasn't staring, Newt." I said, dropping my gaze back to the dishes. Uncomfortably aware that his arms were around me.

"Lies, Abi.". He laughed lightly. "I saw you." I could practically feel his smile.

"Think what you want." I said, stifling a smile of my own.

"I will, thanks." He said letting his arms drop. I felt oddly disappointed. I had loved the feel of him holding me.
He helps a towel in his hand, as he dried the wet but clean plates, stacking them neatly aside as he worked. Even when just drying dishes, he looked perfect.

"I thought you weren't staring?" My eyes darted back to the sink, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"I'm not." A childish tone of defiance lacing my voice.

" oh, I see how it is." He placed the plate and towel down with pretend force, then grabbed onto my shoulders, spinning me to face him. With my hands still dripping with suds, he wears a fake look of anger. Making it hard to keep a straight face. To avoid laughter, I sweep my hand through the water, causing a spray of bubbles and old grease to soak his face and shirt.

He stands mouth agape, and hands up in shock. When he wipes away the dirty water, he looks at me with what I hope is pretend anger.

Playing along, I whisper, "uh oh...". Then I turn and run from the kitchen.
The cold night air hits my face as I run for my life. Fleeing across the open glade. When I turn to look behind me, I wish I hadn't. Newt comes barreling towards me, surprisingly fast even with his limp. I let a small shriek escape me, as I turn and push my leges to work faster.

"Get back here you bloody shank!" He yells. "I'm all wet because of you!"

"Never!" I shout back, acting like a spoiled six year old. Running yet faster.

I'm soon running through the deadheads, dodging trees and rocks that litter my path. When I assume I've got enough distance on him, I start to climb the nearest tree. Resting against the trunk, hidden by thick branches and leaves, I see him approach. He stops suddenly, breathing heavily, as he turns in a full circle.

" I know your close, love." He says, "I can hear you breathing." I instantly hold my breath. But gasping again when my lungs scream for oxygen.
To my horror, Newt looks up to the tree I'm in. A smirk growing on his face.

"Gotcha." He states, when his eyes meet mine through the thicket.
He begins to climb up, and I feel helpless, I've got nowhere to go, and to think this started over dishes. (Which I still have to do).

"You got nowhere to run to." He whispers, as he comes up beside me.

"Oops." I say. We lock gazes, and even in the soft moonlight, his brown eyes still shine. He shakes his head, laughing.
"Come on love, let's finish them dishes."
"Fine....". I sigh, and follow him down the tree and back to the kitchen.

When we finish a half hour later, I say goodnight, and head for the door. My eyelids droop, feeling like I'm already half asleep.

I barley notice when a pair of arms scoop me up, carrying me to my room, bridal style.

"Tired, are we, love,". His breath tickles my ear. I burrow my face into his chest, whispering a soft,

Hope you readers enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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