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We'll say hello again

"Agatha, this is madness!" Margali reprimanded, her former

student clicked her tongue in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

Billy and Tommy whimpered. "Let go of my children."

"Oh, yes, your children. And Vision, and this whole little life you've made, this is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch."


Agatha floated down the ground, there was so much darkness and power surrounding her, she looked down at her former mentor with nothing but conflict in the depths of her blue eyes. She still couldn't fathom why the greatest sorceress in history would side with a child as pathetic and pitiful as Wanda Maximoff. Much worse, someone who was incapable of owning up to the consequences of her mistake and instead would only cry about it. Agatha never really care nor respected her, whenever she spoke to her or had to act out a part, she would only think to herself: she's so very pathetic, makes me want to cry. Agatha felt jealousy coursing through her veins, boiling her blood, and poisoning her mind as she saw Margali take her side, even if it was destiny, the Great Sorceress of The Winding Way would never do what she just did. She was no one's nanny, she bore no responsibility, her only purpose in life was to take power, destined to be the greatest, and slaughter anyone who dare become superior to her.

Margali's vision continued to be blotched, her mind was buzzing, and her body shuddered from the pain that wracked her body. The Sorceress didn't feel that powerful, regardless of being conscious of the tremendous power bestowed on her, she only had to reach out and call for it. If only she could think straight, if only her body wasn't burning with pain.

"You used to be unparalleled, Margali," Agatha spoke to her telepathically. Margali couldn't help, but wince as she struggled to roll on her side, propping her weight on her elbow as she fought to stand up. "The greatest. When you took me in and showed me the way of the Arcane Arts-- my only aspiration was to become as great as you."

Margali gasped sharply as she felt something piercing her temple, she definitely had a concussion. "Please... stop talking. It h-hurts."

"I know, a foolish dream coming from a silly little girl." Agatha continued. "Nobody was allowed to be like you. Nobody could. And I wasn't about to be the exception. But then you softened. You became a mother."

𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝑩𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔; 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚅𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now