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SO MUCH has happened since WestView, both Margali and Wanda have grown and expanded their knowledge of magic together. It's been a long year in hiding, but that was exactly what Margali Szardos and Wanda Maximoff needed, they needed time to get their heads straight. Time to heal and grow.

Margali Szardos stood before the vast lake, her brown eyes soaking in on every detail of the picturesque landscape. It was snowing-- Margali had never seen snow before-- her palm lay outstretched as if reaching for the sky, her eyes caught sight of an approaching snowflake, even though it was snowing all around her. But her eyes were dead set on that one, her brown orbs twinkled, and her rosy lips parted as she solely focused her attention on such a small detail. Her breathing hitched just as the snowflake landed on her palm, she could feel winter kissing her bare skin, and it made her shiver. But it faded just as quickly as it landed, instead of a piece of a condensate frozen particle, she was staring at a small puddle of water.

"Just as breathtaking as magic." She whispers into the frozen lake, her eyes blink, and the corner of her thin lips turns upward.

Then her focus drifted elsewhere, and she sighs nostalgically as her mind takes her back to a different reality.

A baby was crying.

Margali watched herself stand up from the riverbank, she brushed her brunette hair over her shoulder, eyebrows are drawn in as her brown eyes scanned her surroundings for any signs of a baby.

"Vas could it be?" The woman wonders to herself, a thick German accent rolling off her tongue.


The baby continued to cry, but it sounded much nearer. Margali abandons the clothes she was washing and moves closer to the child's wails until she comes across a baby wrapped up in a white blanket. The Gypsy gasps as she takes a look at the baby, the poor creature got caught by the roots of a tree that traveled into the water. Margali approaches the wailing baby and takes it into her arms, her gypsy outfit got soaked in water in a matter of seconds as she hugged the baby close to her.

"Let's have a look at you, Liebchen." Her voice was soothing, that of a mother's.

Margali approaches her old self and the baby, taking a look at the child in her arms. It was blue and Margali immediately recognized him as Kurt Wagner, the baby she adopted, and the one that killed her son, Steffan.

The memory faded, and she was back in Sokovia and the temperature had gotten aggressively colder, Margali blinked and let out a shaky breath. Her chest is constricted with feelings burdened by the past, she wishes to cry, she wishes to be happy, she wishes to feel as strong and confident as she once used to feel. She wishes for so many things, but she was struggling not to grow attached to the past or idealize it, she knew this was her second chance-- or perhaps the thousandth, she didn't care. Margali just wanted to be different, without kids, without the thirst for power. She wanted to stand up for something, she wanted this life to be the last, and therefore, meaningful.

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