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We meet again
Y/n pov

"Still think about him?" Nat says and gives you a bottle of water, end it up with a thanks from you.

"Nahhh, not actually"

You lie, yes, you lie.. it just that, you scared if she didn't like it when you talk about the enemies of avengers but not to you tho. Actually, you don't really know if you thought about him as an enemy or a friend's or... a crush? You don't know!!!

For the second time in your life, Nat believe you make you impressed with yourself that you just lied with the most dangerous spy ever.

"Tony, he's sickness!!" said Ultron as you snap from your thoughts. You didn't even knew since when did you already stand beside Steve, Clint on the other side while Tony land infront the three of you.

"Ah, junior, you're going to break your old man's heart"

"I don't think that's the only main thing that im gonna break" Ultron said, gain a glare from Clint and Steve after they saw he eyeing you up and down.

"Can't wait to beat those metal ass too" answer you.

A sudden familiar voice rang though your ear that you almost let out a smile but you hold it back, looking at the silver guy that saved you a few weeks before.

"Ahh, this is funny Mr. Stark, what is it comfortable? like old times?" said Pietro, taking a few steps forward, looking at Tony but lowly glance at you.

"This was never my life"

"You two still can walk away from this" says Steve, walk towards as you follow behind him with a confused look on your face, still looking at Pietro, confuse over his confess earlier..

"Oh we will" said Wanda, turn your head to her, making a contact for a few seconds since she already starring deeply at you.

"I know you're suffered"

"Blahhh, captain america, gods righteous man, pretending to live without a war-" said Ultron but quickly got cut off by you yelling at him.

"Shut the fuck up, you fucking metal ass, no wonder you became so stupid since you didn't have any brain in your head and all you got is a fucking string" answer you madly and for once again, you hear Steve mumbling under his breath 'languange' like usual.

"Can't wait for me to kill you y/n" Ultron said, challenging. You send a glare to him. You could see at the conner of your eyes, Pietro eyes widen by your sudden rude attitude.. or, he actually worried if Ultron gonna killed you though.

"If you believe in peace then let us keep it" says Thor, trying to make the situation cool down.

"I think your confusing peace with quiet" the metal robot said, taking a few steps forward to us.

"Mhm, what's the vibranium for?" Ask Tony.

"I'm glad you asked because I want to take the time to explain my evil plan" said Ultron, powering up his metal hand.

"You know that I can stop the time right?"

"Oh y/n.. gladly-"

"But sadly, I won't use my power for a useless freak metal ass like you!!" continue you as you send a blast to him and luckily it work that send him to another wall but unfortunely, you didn't realize that he pull you over him make you end up at anoher wall.

I could feel he getting closer to you but suddenly it's stop as you open your eyes, see tony and ultron are fighting.

You pull yourself from your feet, blast everythings that you saw except the avengers of course. You suddenly feel a wind going pass you, didn't realize that you once again laying on the hard floor.

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