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Of course I ran away. Why would I want to stay here any longer. Right next to him...right next to them.

He would've known that I go to the astronomy tower. Every time I didn't feel very well, I got up to the tower and Draco always came and found me.

So I went straight to our dorm- my dorm.

I mumbled the password quickly as I sprinted up the stairs. I ignored the calls from some of my friends as I shut the door from my room close.

As soon as I was in, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face anymore. Hurtful sobs and screams left my lips. I couldn't care less if people heard me. Why?

I thought he loved me.

I opened the wardrobe. Draco's clothes laying in it. No, he- no. I took four shirts at once and trough them at floor. I even ripped some. The smell of his shirts-It's so addicting.

After, what seemed like 20 minutes, the door swung open without a knock.

A sweaty Draco stood in the door frame, his breathing heavy and his eyes opened wide.

Those eyes, those baby blue eyes. Will the baby have his eyes?

"Fuck y/n, I looked for you everywhere!" he said breathless.

He knew I cried, my eyes were red and slightly puffy. My cheeks were damp and wet. Doesn't he care? Why doesn't he say anything? Why doesn't he hug me?

As he slowly realized my current mood his eyes soften a bit, but not enough to make my mood lighten up as it normally does.

"Y/n I-" he said, stepping forward to me and reach for my arm but I automatically back away. Don't touch me. Hug me. Don't come near me. Hold me.

"I have enough of you. Save all your pathetic excuses. I don't want to hear them. You lied. You-"

"I love you," Draco cut me off, now his eyes look like they're going to tear up. "I love you." he repeated himself.

It was the first time. Neither of us ever said it. It was meaningful, so important. I never thought he will be the one who says it first.

But when he loves me, why would he do this. Cheat on me. Betray me. Leave me.


"I love you," it came out like it's nothing. Like it's a goodnight or a morning.

I meant it, of course I loved her. I love her so fucking much it hurts. Fuck. what did I do?!

She suck in a breath and her eyes widened. I wanted to say it again. I wanted to shower her in I love you's. I want to say it so long till my throat hurts.

"I loved you, Draco."

My eyes first widened. She loves me. But then I realized. Loved. Past tense.

Loved, it's no longer love.

It felt like a knife going trough my heart, death wouldn't be as painful. Why did I do it?

Panic raised in me. I can't live without her, I- Shes everything I have.

"Y/n please, I- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it. We can get trough this...together. If we just-"

"There's no longer we, Malfoy." she interrupted. Ouch.

"You promised Pansy never get's in between us..." she whispered, her voice cracked at the end of her sentence. And that little voice crack causes a crack in my heart too.

New tears prickled in her eyes. Fuck.

"It's not Draco and Y/n anymore," she said quickly as she saw me opening my mouth. "We're Malfoy and Y/l/n." and with that she grabbed a bag and threw her clothes in it harshly.

No no no. She- Is she really doing this? Fuck, what am I supposed to do.

"Y/n what are you doing? Where are you going?" I pushed out. Shit shit shit.

"I'm going home. I have enough of you- Pansy... everyone." Y/n explained. Her eyes never found mine again which i'm lucky for. Because if she would I would fall around her waist and hug her. So tight that her bones would break.

She stopped as she opened the bed side table as she grabbed a small thing. Her back faced to me.

After a few seconds silence she turned around, her eyes found mine, fuck.

"I didn't mean to tell you this way, but I'm pregnant."

That's all she said. So casually like she told me what she wants to eat for dinner. I didn't miss the tear that rolled down her cheek before turned around, grabbed her bag, and stormed out.

Fuck, Why did I let her go?

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